MaidSafeCoin (MAID & eMAID) - Price & Trading topic (Part 2)

@mav So do we consider MAID to have this range and then when Safe Token is introduced we take its starting price and apply the same logic to see where it might reach in price?


Forgive me, but I feel this massively undersells thr bit between nothing and ‘replacing the Internet’.

The Internet means so many different things to so many people. From a technical perspective, there are many layers and features outside of what people see in their web browser, or even outside of what Google tells them. To replace all of that is not only outlandish, but also nebulous.

There will be many useful things that safe network provides, often as a supporting role to existing apps. It may be as simple as storing the app configuration on safe. It may be using safe to send secure messages. It may be using safe to store photos, videos, backups. It may be hosting help pages for the app. It may be for storing the app, the app’s source code, the dependencies it needs too. The app may use a nosql dB, stored on safe. Many, many things.

The token is just one feature. As bitcoin was taking off when I learned about maidsafe, it was the hook, but I stayed because of the bigger picture. There are loads of coins out there. Safe network may have a great, fast, anonymous, cheap, one, but it is vastly underselling the network to focus in on it exclusively. So much else is compelling.


My prediction hasn’t changed for 5 years. It’s quite digital. It’s either everything or nothing, where everything is $5 or $500 or something in between.

If I remember correctly there are mechanisms that make valuation almost impossible. The price of the coin will change, but also the amount of storage that the coin gets you will change (am i correct here?). Will be interesting to see how these forces work together or against each other.


Maid was 44M back then , similar to one or two months ago market cap.

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Just remember that the initial price of the Maid, in the crowdsale, was approximately 0,026$ paying in BTC and half paying in mastercoin so, at this moment, the Maid already have a ROI near 8-16X.

I don’t doubt the immense potential of this development but I think some people have too high expectatives.


@dimitar could well be correct about the initial dominance of Safe Tokens as a replacement for bitcoin. What then?

Extremely frictionless money transfers for those obtaining the token.

From there we can imagine this use bleeding into niche use cases and these gradually expanding, bringing ever more businesses and users with it and demand for the token increasing as a result.

I see this economic expansion of the token as similar to fax, and email. From day one they brought major advantages, held back only by limited adoption itself. But things still changed fast in each case because growth in addition is exponential when the driver is a network effect.

When I joined a tech company in 1983 they had a telex for business communications around the world. Even as a junior engineer I used it. Soon we had a fax and internally we had email, but it was hit and miss whether the companies we needed to exchange legally valid documents had fax. Only a few academics had email, still a tiny niche was the beginning of external email communications.

By the end of the eighties the fax dominated and the telex was hardly ever used. Email was still only used for external communications by a (growing) few because it was only available on the company’s Unix systems. Then we had some awful terminal mux and everyone had the pleasure of a terminal based menu driven email system. Still mainly for internal comms though since we did a lot of that.

And so on. Windows email clients arrived and email was rapidly adopted by the companies we communicated with, even if the banks and most consumer facing companies did not offer it until web forms began to offer benefits to them over answering telephones.

Now email is almost universal for all its faults, and emails have legal standing.

I suspect we’ll see something similar with Safe Tokens that will drive adoption, or some other app use cases of Safe (Comms, storage etc) that we’ve not anticipated.

What we know is that these changes happen much faster now than they did in the eighties for fax, or the nineties for email. So within 5-10 years of a functioning network and token, I expect to witness big changes. My only prediction is that things will not stand still!


Well, there isn’t much of a timeframe in these predictions, so I’d say it is impossible to define any price too high. Or is there a price that you are ready to deem as a line that will never be crossed? If there is some number, what are your reasons for it to be never crossed? I sincerely would like to hear something like “It will never be higher than X $, because Y”. And that Y should be some real world context, like no adoption, network not functioning well enough…


Binance has a section for storage now in markets, as a top 5 storage coin, its a shame we are missing. Market access will be biggest barrier to holding back the price, after we have seen core tech demonstrated in the test net.


I think it is really helpful that you have given us some kind of statistical approach. But don’t forget statistics describe homogenous populations. The question I have to ask before saying this data applies to MAID is “is MAID part of this population or is MAID it’s own animal?”


Both these presumably HitBTC addresses have had very little action recently:

Cold: 14quvdxXj7h4kcfhhuKX39wRc6X5sodkjM
Hot: 1K1wA1v9CwDY8LKjjHeDaUWCnfWBzuqLfg

I don’t know what to make of it, if anything, I just have beem checking them every now and then since @mav brought them up.


SAFE is not block chain and is therefore not comparable IMO. If SAFE succeeds in achieving all its goals this will be a unique, non-linear event. That’s a huge IF of course. But looking out 10+ years is it possible that a working and productive SAFE network has a market cap several multiples of the combined market cap of ALL current block chain coins? To me, while it’s obviously hard to calculate odds, it doesn’t seem that this outcome is out of the question. What would be the purpose of clumsy block chain when there is SAFE?


I wonder if the whole crypto market is selling off to buy into MAID :sunglasses: getting ready for the revolution.


That or the incredibly well timed Mt Gox drama unfolding mid bull run once again. I just wish it can be finished with once and for all.
We should know when $2.6 Billion gets released just in time to screw us all over for Christmas.

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For the particular model I’ve been using, yes, we’d see two different coins, ‘MaidSafeCoin - MAID’ with 96x increase, and in the future ‘Safe Network Token - SNT’. We’d anticipate a 50% chance of the new coin having between 2x to 25x rise. Maybe more than that if it’s better than the top 25% of the other coins, maybe less if it’s worse than the bottom 25%. For it to be the best coin ever it would need to see at least 23231x price increase.

But this increase would be from the lowest price, not the starting price. Chances are the price for the new token would start reasonably high from the hype, then go down. I’ve been modelling from the low point, not the start.

That’s just how I chose to look at it, there are many other views that may be more useful for predicting the potential future price increase.

My personal view from the stats and my understanding of the project relative to other projects is 25x price increase for the new token sounds possible. But can we actually manage to trade the low and high point? That’s the difficult part.

This was also said a lot in the early days of bitcoin, where digital was either $0 or $1000. And $1000 sounded really quite extreme. But look where bitcoin is now. Way above the digital scale. Is there a name for that?! $500 price with double the number of ICO coins is about where bitcoin is now, around $450B market cap. So I’d say you’re on the low side (digitally speaking) if the project is successful.


Bitcoin and SAFE can operate in the same world. There is obviously a demand for a decentralised ledger that has a known monetary policy and proven by time, as seen by the market. Bitcoin also has a solid network. SAFE can offer something different, but it can have all the working tech in the world but establishing a larger network is where I see the risk for this project. I don’t see it ever replacing Bitcoin, complimenting it I think is a better way to put it.


What is this in relation to currently?

Mt. Gox’s payout deadline is just one week away.


I want aware that they were getting partially reimbursed for that. Quite honestly they shouldn’t get anything but none the less that’s a lot of potential volatility. Thank you for that.

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Afaik ppl are being fully reimbursed as btc price shot up so much.
Even leaving the ass responsible with money to spare.
But I heard that long ago and haven’t followed it in a long time.

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Maybe we’ll test the 20 week moving average sooner than later! All lined up perfectly as usual if you ask me. Makes me think everything is fabricated for Bitcoin narrative.