MaidSafe rebuilding secure decentralised internet with BnkToTheFuture equity fundraising

When I say he will, I’m really speaking hypothetically. I believe he’d use safe over storj just because storj is so convoluted compared to safe. He does give a brush off kind of answer on the Bnk forum but once they investigate their options for storage more then things will fall into place. As long as safe is ready when they are which I really hope so.
I agree with your point about safe having everything he’d be offering but he has an established brand and is using that currently even to raise millions so I think he most likely will underestimate safe as a threat and his users will not even realize initially until people start to want to know more about how MU2 works. Hopefully his implementation won’t have weaknesses that reflect poorly on safe if anything. He will profit most likely in savings as far as using safe as secure storage. Of course none of this could happen as well but I think it’s a definite possibility

Edit: I really shouldn’t say storj is so convoluted. It’s very click and done from a user perspective besides choosing where to store and what bandwidth etc but safe will still have a very competitive price point for secure storage and the network takes care of bandwidth and where or what to store data on for you.

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