MaidSafe Pre-Dev-Update Update :safe: 25th April 2016

I don’t think any whales type in the chat box… not except maybe the odd cagara type. Whales don’t bother with the tiny effects of trolling do they? Trolling/profiteering is only any use to micro traders who can make some money off one or two more people entering their market - usually in low vol markets. High volume and scale traders don’t bother trolling to get 3 or 4 people to invest a few btc here or there. None that I’ve ever heard of anyway. Rumours come from somewhere, but not from traders or the troll box… there is not a lot of money gullible enough to invest on the basis of an unsubstantiated troll box lie. That’s why the first response to any piece of news in the troll box is usually someone typing, “link?”

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Agree 100% - Confusion reigns supreme here at the Safenet Ranch and that is completely avoidable. The Dev Team and Ross and David are not out to sabotage the Safenet, they are doing the best they can do under the circumstances. People on this forum are allowed to have expectations and are allowed to be disappointed when their expectations are not met. Some people on this forum are not interested in following Github for updates because they listen to updates on this forum. They hold the words spoken by David and Ross as gospel and respond to any deviations to that gospel.

Could less gospel = less pressure = greater confidence = more participation = better community?


People get tetchy because they were teased (or teased themselves) with wrong predictions of project development. Easy as that.

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I teased myself too and I do understand feeling disappointed. I just feel like it’s important to remember the dev team are trying to do something amazing and they are only human. Any confusion and disappointment is obviously unintentional and if they do ever get this beast off the ground we will all owe them a serious debt of gratitude on a few levels. So, I guess I can understand feeling tetchy more than I can understand getting tetchy.

Apologies though, it’s not for me to judge how you feel or express it, I just let defensiveness get in the way of seeing your pov.


there is a launcher and a demo app that are up and running on the test network where you can upload files and publish websites that has been available for some time now. It’s fairly tangible.


You said it very well, I brought this up in a previous update, definitely MaidSafe failed in that aspect, of defining what MVP meant.

I hope on future releases they better define the releases.

(from here)

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“cargo test” is now failing:

YEs currently refactoring. Qi has a PR happening for this now. It’s the unit tests so
cargo test --features use-mock-crust will run integration tests.


This is what is being worked on right at this time. I cannot tell you exact dates, just as Elon Musk could not give guarantees about attempts to launch his rocket. Some things need worked on and tested, we are testing right now.

Apart from open discussions and updates you know as much as us pretty much. You only lose money if you cash in and I cannot help you there.


Keep rocking it out guys. Weak hands are getting flushed out and we have another opportunity to back the truck up. Everything is going to be fine.


Going forward we need a better communication strategy.

What I don’t want is a “okay let’s not tell the forum anything until we release”, but we should all review the past few weeks of communication and figure out a better system where community members know what to expect, what will be achieved, and what possible features may be added given enough time.

As @Jabba said above and as I quoted myself from a previous dev update, the term “MVP” itself was totally corrupted and doesn’t mean anything at this point. It really just feels like another general testing release like all the other Alphas.

I have full appreciation for the complexity, but there must be some way some how to avoid these weeks and weeks of “okay next week” “alright just 1 or 2 more things” “okay just another last problem”.

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Don’t invest in something that doesn’t have timeframes if you can’t handle the wait and stress, simple really.


The atmosphere is getting tense and some people are losing their composure.

You need to look at all the hints clues and tiny breadcrumbs and do the maths. You need to be patient. Lesson for life actually. And personally I have another one. Stay away from money.


User came in and made several replies not in line with the Forum Guidelines. I’ve deleted the replies and asked the new user to stay on line with the FG over PM.

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I’m not sure what you mean.

I’m talking about stuff like this, where we’re subtly told over-and-over that it’s coming just wait one more second seriously guys it’s right here we’re almost done with the 1 or 2 issues:


I’m not mad about not having an MVP, I’m mad at the breakdown of communication.

I thought the MVP was pretty well defined as vaults running on people’s computers with easy to access installers & test apps.

The MVP will basically be like the test net that has been running where people have been hosting HTML sites, except it’ll be running from people’s computers instead of MaidSafe’s rented virtual servers.

As far as I know this hasn’t changed in months, and is what the team are working towards releasing as soon as they can.

It’s proving a challenge to get vaults working, and they’re planning to run a number of community tests to help with this. All of this has been clearly labeled as ‘not the MVP yet’, and no clear date for an MVP has been given, as nobody knows how long it’ll take to get it working.

In my view, the communication is excellent, with more than weekly updates. I wouldn’t expect it to be any better.


You need to give some space though, so we try and clarify exactly where we feel we are and get slapped for it.

Then we are asked to not keep stuff to ourselves. So it’s a rolling test now where we are giving out the code in binary form for tests by people here. I think/hope we can all together see where we are and move forward. @ross tries very hard to keep everyone updated as do I when I can.

My own opinion is to be as open and honest in what I believe wherever possible. The vaults are very close, we ran a wider test on Thursday and right now we are all in a hangout in the office to see if we are able to put out the next test, a larger one. We won’t tonight but would really have loved to.

All we can do is be open, or we can conceal much more and be more “professional” but that will come at a cost of being less open really.

This is the balance we need to get right and for sure there is a lot of effort goes into improving that. Network up (Mvp) is a major major hurdle we are trying to cross now, when we do then it all becomes simpler and more accurate. We can only hope.


[quote=“Powersign, post:34, topic:8895”] we need a better communication strategy [/quote] I understand your frustration @powersign and agreed with you for a while. However, what I’ve come to realize is that David and his team actually communicate more than most. They have generously included all of us in their meeting room. What an honor and privilege to first hand witness the birth of one of the most extraordinary technologies this world has ever seen. I asked for the warnings and disclaimers because that is the status quo that I’m use too.

But screw the status quo! We are entering a brave new world and need to just stop and witness this bloody and messy birth of one of it’s first inhabitants in awe.


That’s a good wording for it.

The worst of it is the dangling dev updates. “Is this week going to be another delayed update?”

I’m definitely bringing some negativity to the forum today, possibly due to the btc jump, tensions are high and the frustration is tangible.

It’s equally me hoesntly sharing how I feel at this stage, just as you give honest status reports.

It’s a rollercoaster ride for us too.