MaidSafe has just grown a new competitor

New Topic on Reddit by 1cryptofan1

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cool - the formatting worked :smiley:


I just donā€™t understand why it takes these look alikes 6 months to get a product from Alpha to Beta. It must be so easy


It would help if Maid release date was approaching sooner

I donā€™t think they know a release date. They are just working through the issues to get to a solution. They did predict a year for beta a couple of years ago and they were wrong. So its better to just make sure they produce a robust product. BTW I was just joking about the competitor above. I donā€™t think they have a hope in hades :yum:

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None of these come even close to what Maidsafe is doing whebmn you break them down.

4 Likes If anyone is interested.

It actually looks like quite an interesting concept. It essentially evolves what the likes of Amazon are doing with Lambda (serverless in a different context to SAFENetwork) to a distributed open network that people can opt into. So, instead of Amazon providing the hardware, people volunteer their home computers instead.

That said, they have a laundry list of features and I suspect it will take them at least 3-4 years to deliver it (edit: actually, probably 5+ and a tail wind - Lambda took Amazon years in a controlled environment, iirc) I am somewhat experienced in devops (although back to development 100% these days) and it is a big job just to get corporate networks to scale out, having many more bodies to help than these guys seem to have. To design a system that essentially automates the automation layer again and make it robust, performant, stable, billable, secure, etc, is no mean feat.

Still, ambition is good and their whitepaper is a hell of a lot more impressive than another distributed internet paper I read recently. In fact, it sounds like it actually suggests a design approach rare than just hand waving, which is novel! :slight_smile:


The thing is, what this sort of tech needs is an autonomous data network as a backboneā€¦ :slight_smile:



20 Character LOL

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CEO is 20 years old ā€¦ looks like a pump and dump to me
cryptocoin investors bewareā€¦

The energy of youthā€¦ they know not what they donā€™t know :wink:


And 2 devsā€¦ lol.


Iā€™m more interesting in the opinion of others concerning Bluezelle:

Probably the same devs from NVO. 2 weeks^tm. Release a full feature safenet v10.0!


And created the prototype by accident.


The repetition (10+ times an hour) of the following tweet is certainly annoying. But that could be free marketing for Maidsafe :slight_smile:.

IntŠµrnхt is сrŠµating decentrŠ°lizŠµd IntŠµrnet sŠµrviсŠµs aimŠµd to bŠµ used bу thŠµ mass markŠµt. ThŠµyā€™re doing thŠµ jŠ¾b StŠ¾rj, SiŠ° and MaidSafe didnā€™t managŠµ to do; taking Š° supŠµriŠ¾r tŠµŃhnologу tŠ¾ thŠµ mŠ°ss mŠ°rkŠµt. Šmazon, Aррle, GŠ¾Š¾gle: GŠµt rŠµadу!

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Itā€™s forked from Storj. Says so in the whitepaper. So a buttload of nothing to see here.


Probably why they have the same hollow message on repeat


People donā€™t really understand the difference between being able to send money electronically and what bitcoinā€™s actual potential is. Likewise people donā€™t realize what SAFEā€™s true potential is when they attempt to imitate certain aspects of it.