MaidSafe Dev Update - October 12, 2017

Just to clarify on the multi-threading part of your Q. Currently all the network operations are occurring in the same process as the browsers UI. This is bad and leads to some points of lag / freezing of the browser UI when network operations are underway (you might notice as you log in it hangs for a second as it attempts to get the browser state from the network).

We need to move these calls to a separate process not to block the UI.


Iā€™ve heard that Mozilla is wanting to rebuild firefox (or create a new browser?) in Rust ā€¦ do you know anything about that?

edit: seems they are integrating into firefox and not building a new browserā€¦
some links:


Itā€™s more like they replace it piece-by-piece, taking separate components from the experimental Servo browser engine. The first release is scheduled for November 14 in Firefox 57!

You can find more here: Quantum - MozillaWiki


Quantum looks promising. Will it be called quantum or firefox?? Sounds like it stays Firefox by the wording. Thanks Nikita

I think Quantum is effectively like ā€˜gecko 2ā€™ - it is the core engine of the firefox browser. Quantum incorporates the more mature portions of Servo. Servo itself will eventually replace Gecko in a few year time when the code is mature.

Firefox has ticked me off since ff version 52 onwards - they removed support for alsa and now require pulseaudio ā€¦ and I hate pulseaudio ā€¦ so now I refuse to upgradeā€¦ lol donā€™t know what Iā€™ll do if Safenet uses firefox in the end. I mean, I really hate pulseaudio :wink:


Haha I thought I was the only one who thought Firefox sucks.

Donā€™t get me wrong, I like and use firefox 51 ā€¦ what I donā€™t like about firefox is mozilla! They screw over a lot of the plugin developers over there ā€¦ I dislike their managementā€™s ā€˜cultureā€™ and of course, worst of all, they dumped alsa! lol