MaidSafe Dev Update - May 24, 2018 - Introducing PARSEC

People sometimes forget that learning doesn’t stop at school. Especially tech folks should/must constantly keep themselves updated either by doing research or literature review. That’s how society progress. I feel sorry for people who not wanting to learn more. The world will move past them.


That would be great, we’ve never seen Node_age tested so far in a public test-network.

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Also the world is flat. The Sun revolves around the Earth. The moon landing never happened. Maidsafe is dead, long live blockchain! And a reality star became president. Alternative facts! No, wait, that last one is true. :cry:



So much to learn for a newbie, this is incredible. I truly believe the blockchain is going to change the world. We the people must make sure it stays open source.

Yes, I understand that. They do have a token so yes they are related.

The point though was that the token is only there till the network goes live and then it will reside on the blockchain-less network.

Although that is really only a minor bit of what you were driving at and I am sure most here agree with you.

A question about when majority is broken:

Close Group Consensus requires no more than half the elders to be dishonest.

PARSEC requires no more than a third the elders to be dishonest.

Do I understand correctly that only dishonest elders matter? Dishonest adults or infants do not matter for the functioning of PARSEC or CGC, right?

What happens when 3 of 8 elders are dishonest? This means PARSEC is dishonest but CGC is not.

A question about the supermajority definition:

Why does the supermajority require “No member that was consensused to have left our section in our gossip_graph will ever be considered again as a voting member in this definition”? It’s not really clear from the rfc why they cannot be allowed to return.

This blacklist brings some implementation questions:
Can the blacklist be derived automatically from the datachain of network events or is it stored separately?
Is the blacklist shared to all nodes in the section or just elders?
Can it be trimmed or does it continue to grow forever?
Is the blacklist split / merged when forming new sections?
Is it stored locally or does it get stored as mutable data on the network itself?
What is the consequence of failing to blacklist / having a very old blacklisted node return to the section?

A question about who is involved in gossip:

Do all nodes retain the datachain and gossip it to each other or just the elders? Only elders may vote, but I couldn’t work out whether all nodes (elders and adults and infants) must be involved in gossip.

This is not clear from the definition of “node: member of the network that takes part in the consensus algorithm” - do infants and adults ‘take part’ even if they don’t vote?

I am curious because it seems there are two things to control: voting for truths, and announcing new truths. The announcing part seems open to abuse if all nodes are able to gossip because infants could announce a lot of trash and it must be dealt with by recipients (even if they never propagate trash further).


This is due to that fact that leaving a section, means being relocated. So a node that is Lost can never again vote. Its key becomes useless if that makes sense. We would only accept a node from another section and they will know it is valid, so there is no need for a blacklist as we trust other sections and they will not give us back a node we should not have had (i.e. they force relocate a node who will create a key). So even in the unlikely scenario where a node comes back to our section and was asked to join at a particular range and was able to use its old key, then that would be fine. So more a matter of the network handles the “blacklist” type logic.

Atm only the elders, but we are tying in node age with PARSEC after sharding is complete (split/merge etc.). This will become more clear then. I suspect only elders need vote as the others are just state that elders can agree on. So if we need to promote an adult we already all know the adult to choose. Alos Elders are introduced for a few reasons, one being younger nodes are just too noisy and not yet trusted, so no point listening to them or allowing them to cause voter churn (always a pain).


Byteball is designed to be loosely coupled, I believe it would be easy for byteball to implement. I think IOTAs architecture is a lot more ridged and would require a significant amount of rework. Not sure about nano. MaidSafe is the big winner here, well done!


I would like to pin you down on this last sentence. Was this just thinking out loud or is there actual plans to have test safecoin in alpha 4


let mel help you with a link :slight_smile:

i stumbled across the same thing and when he said it a second time over there i asked to be sure :innocent:


Beaten in asking :astonished:

So we have gone from a straight statement of intent to maybe.

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isn’t that straight statement? farming wouldn’t be farming without test safeceoin …? (otherwise it would be just storing nodes from home …)

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Do your farm your household garden for money or just for the produce? Of course you can farm without being rewarded for it other than personal satisfaction and the food (data) it produces.

And you left off the important part “So not officially safecoin just yet

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hmmm - okay - didn’t interpret it like that :open_mouth:

hmhmm - but that really wouldn’t make sense … since live-network upgrades will probably come later i wouldn’t see how an alpha version could include ‘real safecoin’ …? Oo …


He could not be referring to real safecoin anyhow. Real safecoin only comes after the network has been declared live and well. So it does not make sense to read David’s statement referring to real safecoin but it has to be test safecoin. Context is our friend :wink: Until we are talking of Live and well network all references to safecoin have to be test safecoin. Just gets tedious including the “test” every time.

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It would be great to get a visual demonstration of what PARSEC actually does.

Anyone know of any resources?

Sounds like an awesome innovation, just having a hard time understanding the technicalities and benefits.


There’s a video coming. I’d expect to see it released in the weekly update this week.


Thanks can’t wait! @drehb