MaidSafe Dev Update :safe: 23rd February 2016

Linux Master Race. :smiley:


I probably donā€™t read the development updates as carefully as some of the others, but I did read last weekā€™s update (16 Feb) and it was very clear that the ā€œMVPā€ that was promised was not defined as revainen has described.


God this is worse than waiting for a midnight game release. At least you KNOW then that the game will release at midnight. Are we there yet? Brace your servers folks for mass downloads and then mass traffic as people start using the network and then talking like crazy.


I donā€™t know if this was expected, but right now I am able to run a local network with a dozen vaults on my station. I am also able to add both immutable and structured data in it. :smile:

Last time I could do this was months ago. Please, donā€™t remove this possibility.


Ah - weā€™re not really talking about removing any functionality! We just mean weā€™re planning to have this testnet comprised of vaults running exclusively on virtual machines we own (wellā€¦ rent, I suppose).

Youā€™ll still able to run local networks as you are now. Itā€™s just that weā€™d prefer not to have these other vaults connect to the testnet for the time being.


Oookay. First question is why? Second is how long is it expected to last before actual decentralization of the network and people can start creating their own networked vaults?

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the Dev update says its to make sure the vaults are stable and that outside vaults will be added a bit later:

"At the request of the engineers this testing phase will not enable the community to run their own vaults at this point, rather they will be able to store and retrieve data via the demo application on our test network.

This allows the client to be tested in a stable environment, one without churn (nodes leaving and joining the network). It also enables other projects that people are currently developing or wish to begin development on to progress as we progress, allowing everyone the opportunity to move forward together. The next phase after the development team are happy with the way the network is behaving in this stable environment will be to add churn into the mix and get the MVP into everyoneā€™s hands, enabling you to all run vaults from home. The team do not want to sign off on the MVP until this extensive round of testing has been completed and for this we need large scale participation from the community."


Okay fair enough and makes sense. Guess I missed that.

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I am still waiting for this demo app to run and join the testing!? Or have I missed something?
I tried to compile safe_core, safe_launcher, but canā€™t get anything more then messages in console ā€œrunning testsā€¦ā€


We are all waiting :yum:. The Devs will make a new thread here with all the details and links.


oh great, I thought I have missed something.


Iā€™m going through the demo app (still unreleased) and I can see a lot of very cool features theyā€™ll be releasing.

The demo app alone is a huge step forward.

I honestly donā€™t think this MVP is for anyone else besides the future SAFE developers.

The demo app makes use of a maidsafe-branded javascript library that lets websites interface with the safe launcher. Even though we knew this would be a feature, I hadnā€™t realized it would be working so soon.

There is also some sort of SAFE-website template builder/uploader tool. If Iā€™m right, by the way it works, it lets non-technical users easily make a website with one click from a template, and it also lets them one click upload it to the network.

Thereā€™s also some functions for creating a DNS entry so you can share your site/app.

If you non-coders are interested, Iā€™ll sift through more of the code and share some of the other.

If the code below is gibbrish to you, note the line that specifically says ā€œThis page is created and published on the SAFE Network using the SAFE Uploaderā€


Where did you find this?

You can see all the code on Github.

@Powersign would have to direct you to the exact location where thatā€™s located in the repository.

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It was updated 6 hours ago :smiley: Always working those devs :grin:

Side note: Coders looking to pull it, itā€™s in the ā€œdevā€ branch, not the master.


Looks like a simple angular app, nice.

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I havenā€™t played with angular yet, Iā€™m going through their tutorial series. Angular.js has a kick-ass video course, so I recommend anyone interested in sapps to take a look too.


I havenā€™t used angular either, but it should be easy to see follow what theyā€™re doing to connect and query SAFE. Iā€™ll peruse the app more thoroughly when I have the time.

Iā€™m curious to find out if both immutable and structured data are part of the app.

It should be noted that safe_launcher appears like it is being rewritten using Electron instead of Rust. It too is being developed on a dev branch at Itā€™s mostly es6-ish (ish because even though they have a babelrc they donā€™t seem to be using things like const well as might be seen if following the airbnb styleguide). For example, you can see at that the auth accepts a few app pieces like a pub nacl key, a permissions array (of which there is only one right now), etc. Everything appears to be wrapped in a JWT (a nice stateless, self-hashed type of token that is par for the course these days).

I might end up releasing a Golang wrapper for doing everything needed for app. I should really not be looking at the source to discover the API and I should wait until docs on the HTTP API are published so my project wont be infected by the GPL.

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@Powersign I am sure I speak for a lot of non-coders when I say that at this stage we would all be grateful for your taking a little longer look at what is awaiting us. Thanks so much!!!