MaidSafe Dev Update - 14th June 2016 - TEST 4

People will create multiple accounts to bypass the limit… unless it costs Safecoin to create an account?

Agreed, the Network should charge Safecoin per Public ID. Treat it like a “special PUT” request because Public ID’s are considered (unique), therefore costs more than regular data.

EDIT: Great suggestion by @happybeing

At the very least, this increases demand for Safecoin, and helps recycling.

Elephant in the DNS room.
Obviously, the cost/value of Public ID’s (Domain Names) are highly subjective. The Network only sees “data” so pricing can be done arbitrarily (1SC per ID), and then human markets take over, assuming these ID’s are transferable.

If each Safecoin is unique SD data on the SAFE Network, can Public ID’s be treated the same way, using previous and current owners? Just wondering.

@greymatter310 You could visit these threads for more detailed discussions and ideas.

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