MaidSafe Dev Update :safe: 13th July 2015

I agree. safe: is a protocol. Thus, it should replace http: and https:

Also, it will allow existing sites that wish to migrate onto SAFE to hopefully keep their same domain name. safe:// is a lot better than

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Might be able to drop the // as well and if they were quick enough to grab the wikipedia username it could be as short as safe:wikipedia

…so the namespace issue has been solved with maidsafe_dns, but are we still on a first come basis →

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That’s going to be an interesting issue. What kind of technical solutions are going to be in place–once the network launches-- to stop the first person who writes a script to register millions of common names and then selling them to the highest bidder? That seems like a big centralization problem there, even if it was one that was not intended by the network. One possible solution that I see would be to enforce some kind of one-time proof of work mechanism to register a name. In effect, it would be a short waiting period (say 5 mins, just like confirming a bitcoin transaction) to make spam registrations a hell of a lot less economical.


Does anyone think that a domain name has value? If so, then there should be a price to store a domain name on the network. Just like there is a price to store any other kind of data on the network. This would also prevent a single entity from grabbing millions of names.

Edit: there should be a formula for the price to store the domain name, just like there is a formula for the price to store data.


This doesn’t take into account caching. Popular data is copied to local nodes, which will drastically cut response times on cache hits.

In short, you don’t always go to one of the vaults storing the data.

Also, as nodes are scattered in xor space, with multiple copies stored, it is likely that one vault will be geographically close and will respond quickly.

Finally, I suspect many vaults will be hosted professionally, with high speed data links, to maximise profit. While I doubt all hosting will follow this model (plenty of smaller nodes will support the network), I expect a good portion to be.

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This is a good point and explored in the RFC thread. Either we must treat safe DNS as a sort of low level address system (like IP addresses, with another name resolution layer needed on top) or maidsafe will need to create some sort of market for safe DNS names (as otherwise, the profits will all go to cyber squatters, rather than being reinvested into safe net development).

Tbh, it would be a good revenue earner for maidsafe to take on creating a DNS market place. It needs to be done some how and this would be perfect for continued funding of the maidsafe team. It would also give confidence to network investors/users that it will be developed after the crowd funded money runs out.

–We are also planning to come up with a node.js example to showcase how files can be served from the SAFE Network probably by the end of this sprint.

This is just the beginning –

Exciting :smile: .


Certainly, but I was sure to say anywhere from less than a second to a worst case of 2.8 seconds. This range very much takes into account caching. :smile:

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Yes. Like you mentioned, there are going to be squatters no matter what. Just look at the current DNS system on the normal internet! The way that that this is currently solved (well… not really solved but sort of mitigated) is to charge a recurring fee for domains. It would be so much better if that money went to fund development instead of multiple random squatters. As long as this could be done in a way that did not put the core devs in the position of being the “gatekeeper” (and thus subject to all that liability and pressure, legal and otherwise)

If anybody is in any doubt about what this project can deliver, simply insert this actual quote from the inventor:

Nice problem, we will solve it though

Reassuring isn’t it…kick back, have a few frothys and know the team are working their backsides off to deliver the vision :relaxed:

Yeah, sure but what about…

Nice problem, we will solve it though

Make for a nice business card.


That’s priceless haha. I’ll start pouring my frothys right now. :beer:


I think there are multiple ways to skin this cat, but I think we all want continued network development to be funded.

There was a suggestion that the money could be redistributed to farmers too, there by reducing the cost of storage (as name registration fees as well as puts could contribute to this payment).

Either way, I think there could be a disincentive to cyber squat, which could also help the network.

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Let’s discuss about DNS.

I think we should scrape it all together. I do not like the idea how names/titles are valuable. It shouldn’t. I rather have a ubiquitous name system, similar to steam, or GNUnamesystem. I like the GNUnamesystem the best because…
A: A person would like to be named mary, and broadcast to the network. (it isn’t enforced)
B: A person can change mary to alice for his own preference.

Not only that, you can validate his signature to ensure it is him, like pgp.

I feel a lot of gratitude. :slight_smile:

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