MaidSafe Community: Announcements, Requests for Comment, Calls to Vote

This topic is a placeholder - track it and you will be alerted to what is posted here, which is intended to cover anything of general interest to the MaidSafe Community, such as:

  • Announcements
  • Proposals for Discussion & Comment
  • Communal Decisions (e.g. Calls to Vote)

IMPORTANT: Please don’t comment in this topic - don’t reply (too late!!!) - only post a single post on each item (suggested types listed above).

@dirvine has just begun a discussion about community governance… (sorry couldn’t resist that one followers of the great governance debate), or rather Ideas on community support and management, but in the mean time I proposed we have one place that can handle this while the community is small enough to handle things less formally.

The first post I’ll make in the topic will be a request for comment on whether this is a good idea. A kind of meta test/demo that appeals (like recursion) to the dormant programmer in me. :slight_smile:


I vote we don’t have any governance…lol…only joking, not starting again.


Request for Comment

Subject: The MaidSafe Community: Announcements, Requests for Comment, Calls to Vote topic?

Yes this is a request for comment on the usefulness of the OP topic.

Please don’t reply here, but visit and reply to:

What about a community announcements, comments, votes topic?