MAID Community Exchange Listing Plan

I feel comfortable looking at total numbers, as it it was completely different back then.

There already were plenty of altcoins, but although Ethereum was beginning to get mentioned as the superior technology, BTC had a giant share of the total market cap that counted a whopping 8 billion, which means, in the grand scheme of things, crypto – bitcoin included – was irrelevant.

And so was MAID. Although in the crypto microcosm, it was frequently mentioned as the next big thing. Along with Dash, Monero, Ripple and company.

Here’s a snapshot from May 2016:

Ancient times right here.

These days, a bloody Stellar has the same market cap itself. MaidSafe saw almost a tenfold increase in terms of market cap, but also a free fall down the ranks, which only tells you it’s like comparing 18th and 20th century. So yeah, number 88 on the coin market list, but also an article in Guardian.

For an unfinished product in the sea of the working and over-hyped ones, Maid does more than okay. What it really needs is:

a) to get finished
b) to work
c) to get adopted and developed upon

Another relax-and-enjoy-the-obscurity-while-it-lasts rant over.


I agree with this, but think it’s still useful to get on more exchanges given the difficulty new users who want to buy MAID have in getting it, due to apparent delays to register for Bittrex & Poloniex.

So I don’t think it’s an emergency for the progress of the network’s development, but it’s a shame if people who want to get on board find it hard to do so.

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I didn’t mean to discourage whiteoutmashupsSAFE from his effort. It’s cool he makes things move.

I just wanted to say, don’t panic just because MAID fell down the list. It still grows and it was always gonna go at its own pace.


I just stumbled upon this. It’s a coin request form on Binance, but it requires a CEO or co-founder to apply.


please pm mate.
I will give my contact at Kraken.

Binance is a must also and worth paying the fees.


I think one of the quickest ways to get exposure would be to pay some of these big name crypto YouTubers to do a review. I’m not sure where I stand on the ethics of that, but the likes of Substratum have been doing it, so I suppose it’s only fair to have the same exposure.


As long as what is mentioned is true and raises the level of awareness i do not see any ethical issue.

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Emailed and tweeted. If there was a fax number i’d send that too :+1:t2::blush:


Thanks very much @Harvindar

I really hope this push goes through.

Need to build the long term partnerships like this

MAID needs a solid foundation

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Well. A while ago I have given advice to do a rebrand. MAIDSAFE is a shit name. Even SAFE really. But any suggestion I provide, the response I get seems snobbish.

Also I’ve suggested we should replace our tokens with Erc20. We’re literally the ONLY (decent) project besides tether, that uses omni. Now even tether is upgrading, we’re just chilling.

Other than that though, I do want to mention project one this do get overlooked, substratum, shift and others are also not getting as much attention. But substratum is arguably getting more attention than us. Another thing is I should mention recently price drop is due to people margin selling. I was lending on poloniex and recently saw all the lending orders get filled. Once the market starts jumping up the margin sellers will buy back eventually. Good projects sometimes go unnoticed for a while. Maidsafe is already starting to get attention, especially last and this year, slowly and steadily

While I’m for adding an option for ERC20 or another platform that’s much nimbler than Omni for MAID tokens, MAID is only a placeholder rather than a functional token, so it’s not as important as for a project like Tether, where they want people to be transacting regularly.

Your critique of the SAFE network brand isn’t very compelling. Do you have any reason that you think SAFE is a poor brand?

I’m sure people will be willing to discuss whether there are other branding options that are better.

For fun, I suggest ‘Automated Resource Security Engine’, or anything better with the acronym ARSE. Tagline: ‘the ultimate back end’.

Reasoning: the Safe network is the ultimate back end for websites and apps, that enables data apps without handling user data (avoid GDPR etc), finance apps without handling user funds (avoid FCA / SEC etc), and app/website hosting with no ongoing infrastructure cost (compete with the big boys without a big budget).

It would make people realise that the Safe network is more than distributed data storage - it’s a platform with very broad capabilities.

I don’t think an ARSE coin currently exists, and it would be a fun & silly publicity move.

Seriously though, I think the SAFE network brand is decent and functional, though I’m no marketing expert, and could imagine that a rebrand might be able to shift people’s perception to the scope of the network beyond data storage.


+1 for arse - the ultimate backend XD
(this literally is the most ridiculous proposal I ever heard of - but certainly catches attention xD)


Well… It kinda is given that not many of these new exchanges take or want to list maid. Maid had gotten barely any new exchange listings in 2017. In other words because of the oldness of the token it’s missing out on all those new attention coming into crypto-currencies.

Maid is honestly not a good name. Safe is meh, but a better sounding name other than make definitely helps. While introducing to my friends one of them literally said that he didn’t like the name too much

Oh come on now don’t tell me you are serious…

Of course not :joy: I actually do want safe to get mainstream - not possible with such a name ;D - but this proposal still made my evening xD

We’d also need an ASS coin for the US market.


ACE - the ultimate backend

Not written properly - but not too bad long term maybe

Ps: okay - already taken of course

Tbh I don’t think maidsafe were persuing new exchanges until recently. While it may be unusual in this space, maidsafe seem to be far more interested in tech than coin price.

They are looking for exchanges now though and I am sure it will yield fruit soon.


Alright whatever you say. I still think a new token will help get it automatically listed on the decentralised ethereum exchanges as well as all those new exchanges really. But everytime I suggest something the response is: “no need for that. We’re good enough already” so nowadays I don’t really give any suggestions anymore.

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You make it sound like they tried and failed to get new exchanges. I just don’t think that is accurate. However, they have said they are looking at new exchanges now, so feel free to criticise if that leads to nothing.

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