Local Test Network

Does anyone know the best way to set up a local test network? Being limited to 500 PUTS seems like it will get in the way of prototyping pretty quickly. I know that the core MaidSafe team has plenty of experience deploying these test networks, so I’m wondering if there is a write up of how to deploy one (or a script to automate the process).

Also, is there a better place to post technical questions than the SAFE Network Forums? The forums seem more focused on meta-questions about the network.



Probably the Dev Forum for posting questions - https://forum.safedev.org/


The 500 PUT limit is per account, so adequate for most uses: limit reached → create a new account.

EDIT: another approach is to compile with mock routing, which avoid any limit and allows you to test the API without connecting to a network, but not to test multi user.

There are some posts around about setting up a local test network but they may be out of date as things are moving fast :slight_smile:


Thanks! That seems like a much better place to put this. I will post there.


Mock routing seems like a great solution for testing basic functionality. Do you happen to know if you can run multiple local clients so you can test your client interactions without having to stress the real network with lots of automatically generated cruft? Even if you can’t that sounds super useful.


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I’m not sure but expect not.

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