List of Community SAFEsites / Websites - public shared section

Don’t want to go off topic but hemp is more useful for rope… whiff of corruption about the way its many uses have been stifled.


that’s what I am saying though! even if hemp for rope is a small market at least on our small market at first that would make total sense! Actually just hemp (not marihuana) has a plethora of uses and that is the type of thing I think SAFE network should advertise to possible investors!

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What are you wanting for then… get on it!


still just trying to figure out what headers are for but I mean this is an alpha so you are totally right. This is the time to try those experiments and release my alpha version stuff.

That said I want it to be at least good as my LiveJournal which was hot because I had and early mobile phone camera that was good quality. But enogh livng in the past. How to move forward!?

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You could just set font size directly rather than use <H1> etc. There are a few reasons why HTML has special tags for this and other things and one of the main ones is for search engine optimisation. If something is in a heading it says more about the content than if it is just bold, and bold says more than the regular text etc. Search engines try to infer a lot from this.

This goes for people too, and if you have limited sight it makes a big difference because you can ask the software to enlarge all the headings, or a screen reader can help you scan the page by reading out headings so you can find the information you want.

There’s more to it and you can read up about things like this as there are lots of resources from the original specs to helpful explainers and guides. This is how most of use learned I suspect. I can still remember how confusing it all seemed when I began trying to figure out how to make a web page, and it was a lot simpler then. But like learning to write (text or code) it is empowering, and can become fun when you start to get a bit productive.


I see what you did there.

Re the corruption - here follows a somewhat oversimplified version of events - The big push against marijuana came in the 30s and was initiated by the the publishing oligarch Randolph Hearst (Patti Hearst dad)
As a big newspaperman, Hearst owned a LOT of woodland in California and elsewhere to make newsprint for his many titles. As well as being very good for rope, hemp is also excellent for making paper with. Hearst was scared that his woodland investments wood :grin: be undermined by cheaper better quality paper made from hemp. So he almost single-handedly started a campaign against marijuana - which seeing he controlled a very large chunk of the most effective mass media at the time was not a problem for the bold Randolph. And buying legislators to make sure it stayed illegal was second nature.

And thats how dope is/was illegal for decades - cos it threatened a rich guys income source - Don’t you just lurrrve capitalism, “Freedom” lovers?


@andyypants Can you install Download Visual Studio Code - Mac, Linux, Windows?

YOu can build a very acceptable website with a simple text editor. Many folk say you should to get used to the discipline of opening and closing tags and really understanding whats going on. But tools like VSCode can close the tags for you and suggest default structures that will help you a lot.

Here is a little template for you built with VSCode

see all the tags with a /? Note how they all match a similar tag without a slash? VSCode inserted them for me automatically. Saves you forgetting…

and that gives you this output…

See how the text between the title tags appears on the window title bar?

Errr - I just looked at that template again. I can see a couple of mistakes I made - but the main thing is it works. I’ll post a more correct version later for the purists down here


Don’t anthropomorphize the network, he doesn’t like that.


yes that will be helpful for sure! Thanks for the link!

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safe://sendmoneynow <— you know you want to :slight_smile:

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Oooooh what a feeling to be back on the network, my rotten CLI skills are testament to the fact that anyone can do it with a little perseverance!


Refreshed list to celebrate perseverance.


safe://invasion is a great game btw… pity it’s short but surprised how well it works.

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So, two new issues - I don’t know if these are known.

safe://sango as an mp3 doesn’t play… that might be my error but use of audio tag looked simple enough and it works locally.

safe://V sees the browser reduce that to safe://v lower case, which doesn’t exists atm.

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My safeblues mp3s play back scrambled - have reported on Github. They do play though.

Try with this format <audio src="your.mp3" controls=""></audio>

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I tried @southside but get this:

C:\Users\John>safe keys transfer 18 --from 7002b2db3861c7c8e9ad065a7dce65b2fc42560baf41a7c5b5cc8cc0a24bd96b --to safe://hnyybycoubh8zsq77prd3poa6w168g6rj7azue68yo5qkbqxpoxhxus8ghy9e [2020-05-29T21:12:54Z ERROR safe] safe-cli error: [Error] AccessDenied - Couldn't read source Wallet for the transfer at "safe://hnyybycoubh8zsq77prd3poa6w168g6rj7azue68yo5qkbqxpoxhxus8ghy9e"

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Thank you - I will look at ti tomorrow whaen I am less drunk

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safe://sendmoneynow is not a SafeKey

as for the mp3

I made as safe://sango2 with

<audio src="./sango.mp3" controls="" autoplay type="audio/mpeg"></audio>

instead of what was

<audio controls autoplay>
 <source src="./sango.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">

but no apparent difference… it is a 33MB file; so, perhaps that’s not helping… my first thought was it’s unfortunate the desktop browser is not making obvious if it’s trying to download it… and then appears as 0secs long empty.

Perhaps smaller files will have better success. will look again next pass.

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If it wasn’t for this damned Perpetual Web nonsense I’d have deleted that site…

It’s not working, I need to think again… Maybe tomorrow…

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Could it be the “./” or maybe the autoplay?

Mine is very barebones <audio src="blues.mp3" controls></audio></p>

Edit: I do remember having to fiddle around with that, but unfortunately not the exact nature of the fiddling.

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SafeKey abc…

Create a SafeKey and register it against a domain, below is for safe://moneygoeshere

$ safe keys create
New SafeKey created at: "safe://hbyyyybryop#####mcy3kutz49wfezp78xpz3m3fjtb######omzu78rhbc771"
Key pair generated:
Public Key = ########
Secret Key = #####

$ safe nrs create moneygoeshere --link safe://hbyyyybryop#####mcy3kutz49wfezp78xpz3m3fjtb######omzu78rhbc771?v=0

If you don’t have money, print some like you are the FED

$ safe auth create-acc --test-coins


$ safe keys transfer 1000 --from PUTYOURSECRETKEYHEREDOEETNOW --to safe://moneygoeshere