LIFE IS PEOPLE #108 WikiBeing

The journey of self-discovery beyond ego
WikiBeing is a human experimental tool for recording feedback and processing mankind’s experiences as they happen. WikiBeing is for the benefit of those of us who seek to understand ourselves. WikiBeing is dedicated to the future of humanity. All we know is being!

Humanity being the one true resource we must strive to do all that we can with all our ingenuity to preserve it. We must reverse our perception in reducing populations and focus on increasing our self-driven creative productivity for the ultimate in human experience. By encouraging expressive creativity focusing on individual experience. Provisions for each person to learn and grow naturally and harmoniously

Life is happening to quickly to not record it before our precious lives disappear. Beyond our concerns for our selves holding steadfast to the principles of self-preservation means planning for the future. Planning for The future beyond our own insures us in legend to the seventh generations that we made a world good for them a world that is better than our own and instilling a respect to them once they receive it to continue the legacy of sharing ourselves for the future generations for not one of us has the answers but all of us might.

For more on WikiBeing Minds


I think the world would be a better place if we could better understand each other by cataloging a database of emotions and experiences to see where the void is trying to be filled in humanity.

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WikiBeing is a human experiential tool for recording and processing feedback about mankind’s experiences as they happen.

WikiBeing is for the benefit of those of us who seek to understand ourselves, more specifically to understand the importance of our own morality, and autonomy, while facilitating our individual emancipation, and discovering where we fit in with the whole of the world.

In short, it is for us all. The Journey of self-­discovery beyond Ego!

#the era of the creative rises