Let's Create The First SAFE Web!

Better start getting those websites ready everyone!

How To Join The SAFE Webring

I’ve got some Javascript working for a web ring so anyone who wants can join by including it in their website index page. This means including the javascript file in the HEAD section (i.e. between <head> and </head> tags) which is at the top of your “index.html” file:

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://the.safewebring.safenet/webring.js"></script>


To automatically include a banner with “previous” and “next” buttons by calling wrJoinWebring() on page load by including “onload” in your HTML <body> tag as follows:

<body onload="wrJoinWebring()">

This is not meant to be secure - just for fun during testing!

For it to work you’ll have to tell me what your planned website URL will be so I can add your website to the file.

Please Tell Me What DNS Name You Will Use

To publish your website you’ll have to think of a DNS name like “happybeing” or “safeapplist” or “catpictures”, so if you all can decide on what your website name will be, and use “index.html” as the website index page I’ll be able to work out the URLs and include them in the javascript.