Legal ramifications for PtD (Pay the Developer) feature in the SAFE protocol

Anything which could violate the preferences of the network will be deemed unethical or unappreciated. Meaning if the network for example does not like snuff films, but you’re subsidizing snuff films, it creates a PR nightmare because it makes SAFE Network look like snuff film machine because it blindly subsidized it.

So now there would be less people interested in SAFE Network just because of this? The lack of curation is the problem. People can tolerate a lot of bullshit, a lot of crap, as long as the network over time is optimizing to produce value. When it’s not doing that then the subsidies might exist but its just going to be exploited for profit and quality of content will not matter if there aren’t any ratings.

These are just my opinions but I think PtP in particular cannot work without curation of that which is produced. I would also say developers shouldn’t get paid unless they produce apps which get used a lot and which get a high rating. At least when your’e talking about code you can claim free speech but you don’t have the same ability when you talk about content.

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