Jeff Atwood on Community Moderation

lol…ok…by disparage i mean to slight individuals or groups based on the group identity, rather than the ideas they put forward - ie All (insert group) are (insert slight).
Such as, " All Muslims are barbaric" or “Atheists have no morals” etc.
I agree there is still subjectivity here as sometimes disparaging remarks are made in jest during jovial banter. This often happens between Scots (a bit tight), Irish (a bit thick), Welsh (a bit sheep shaggy) and English (a bit.well …goldilocks zone of perfection really…). I think it’s just a case of discerning aggression from banter really. In these cases I think the thing to remember is we’re not slagging each other’s “protected characteristics” off
I think a good resource to refer to here would be Human Rights legislation, as it makes these kind of decisions much easier: There are certain characteristics that make up an individual’s sense of self/identity such as race, belief system and sexual orientation. Due to historical discrimination against a number of these groups, (such as Gays, Blacks or dis-abled) then it would be a minimum of “bad etiquette” to disparage anybody based on these characteristics.
It is also individuals and groups that are protected, not ideas or organisations - this means it is fine to disparage/mock/ridicule Islam/Christianity/Humanism etc( ideas) for example, but not Muslims, Christians or Humanists ( groups of individuals).
I think overall the subjectivity can be restricted to discerning aggression from banter really, - the rest just seems to be quite straightforward.