Jack Dorsey is trying to build web5

So what happened to web4? Is Jack skipping that one?


I think the idea here is that he wants to merge Web2 (bitcoin/blockchain) with Web3 (virtual reality?) … and so they added 2 + 3 = 5.

I wish him luck. But if what he’s building is Web 5, then the Safe Network is Web 6 or 7 IMO.

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Here’s another article on this that’s more recent: What Is Web5? | Built In

It seems to have gone from ‘reference implementation in 2022’ to ‘don’t expect big progress by 2024’, so they’re not finding it easy either!

I wonder how they’ll incentivise data to be stored without tokens etc? I didn’t really get how data is stored other than on distributed nodes.

Do people store their own data on own nodes, or hope someone keeps their data stored?

Anyway, may be worth looking at to see if there are bits & pieces that could be beneficial to the Safe Network, or vice versa.

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