Is there a complete idiots guide to buying maidsafecoin?

Good question and repy , thank you very much.

none of the private keys i’ve generated as per top explanation on how to store maid have started with a 5…what next?

A private key is just a number. There are different ways of representing numbers. So you probably just need to convert the format.

Hmhmm - maybe by now a new guide would really help people…

Bittrex, livecoin no more an option - the question about the private key was coming up at telegram at least twice too lately
Polo freezing accounts - so maybe a bitaddress +Cryptopia walk through?

(just thinking loud here…)


thanks for the reply, but you havent told me anything

Where have you generated your addresses? At

They now give compressed keys on the landing page are now supplying compressed keys as default and in my experience work fine with As always do test sends to/from the new type of addresses to make sure they are OK and you know how to use them

The compressed keys start with “1” for public and “K” or “L” for private keys

If you generate more keys using the Bulk wallet Tab you will find a tick box where you can deselect using compressed keys and generate original type keys.

with omnicore, do i just send maid to a bitcoin address?

i still lack confidence with storing maid off exchange. why doesn’t maidsafe have a step by step instructions, with explanations on the way as to why you do something on how to safely store maid off exchange.

Of course you do, and you will continue to lack confidence, no matter how detailed the explanation, until you actually do it.

There is sufficient detail in this thread for you to proceed. You should, of course, proceed with some token amount, such as 50 MAID, to allow you to not be paralyzed in fear, as you learn. Once you transfer the MAID to a paper wallet once, and you’ve checked the balance (no private keys necessary) on, you’ll find that you have more confidence.


Any BTC address starting with a “1” is OK

Do this

  • Generate a (for testing) BTC address at Don’t worry that the private key starts with a “K” or “L”
  • Send enough BTC to that address (0.00075 after send fees is enough at this time)
  • Send some MAID there (one or two)
  • Import private key of that test address into
  • Send the MAID back to the exchange or to another address you created to store all your MAID.

If that works then all you need to do or have done is generate another address at to safely store your MAID as a “paper wallet”

A “paper wallet” is one where you have not imported your private key into any actual wallet. Mind you, you have better backup that private key by printing it out a number of times or stored it on multiple USB sticks and then have those copies safety stored at home and also elsewhere in case of fire.


thanks for that. i’ll try these steps sometime this weekend. do you use 2fa?. i did have a wallet with about US 5 dollars in it and i tried winauth, but after an apparently successful set up i couldn’t get back into the wallet. i’ll try your method but without 2fa (i dont have a smart phone- i was doing it from the desktop ) (i choose not to have a smart phone)



Maybe try that after you do the test sends. For the paper wallet there is no 2fa since it is “on paper” and no presence on-line.

@Gimli87 I would recommend you to store your maidsafecoins on a paper wallet. Dont touch it until safenetwork is out.

  • Generate your bitcoin address at (I recommend you to download the repo at github and do it offfline)
  • Send your Maidsafecoins there + a little bit of BTC to pay transaction fees
  • As soon as the transactions are confirmed go to enter your public key there and check your balance
  • From now on you are able to accumulate Maidsafecoins on this address

You dont need to import it anywhere. I would say the safest way to store them.


If you want to spend funds from the wallet you should move everything at once. Once some funds has been spent, it’s not completely secure anymore.

Its an address only used for testing the process. That is why I called it testing. Permanent storage as I said is to create another address that NEVER has its private key imported.

Yeah. Just wanted to make it extra clear for the op. It’s easy to miss this part.

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thanks for the reply, could you be more specific about the repo?. i go to the page and there are many choices. what do i do next?,




Unzip it, look for the index.html and generate your address :slight_smile:
Now you are ready to buy maidsafecoins and store them properly.

We all have fears of this stuff not working I’m sure, but you can work out a way that works for you.

I suggest two things: first, test with a small amount first move to a paper wallet, move it back.

Second, don’t keep it all in one place or even one kind of wallet, and store the credentials in different ways and in different places.

Essentially: diversify. So if any one thing doesn’t work later, you won’t have lost everything. This is an important rule of life, and from life. It’s not just about crypto, or even money, but useful generally. Of course many, even most people won’t do this because it takes effort.

Just like making backups of your photos, most people don’t, but those who do will be glad they did the work one day.