Is the Safecoin Economy Deflationary and would it be better with Inflation built in?

I agree. Currency is just another exchangable good. Making a “stable” currency that won’t inflate or deflate is like creating food that won’t rot. Yes you can do it but it’s dangerous and kind of ignores the reason of WHY food rots in the first place: because we need the nutrients to return to the soil so we can grow more food. Likewise WHY do we need currency to be able to inflate or deflate? Because currency is just a word we assign to some THING we like to exchange a lot and use as a token of value. We could use pistachio shells as a currency if we wanted and could all agree that pistachio shells were of value tho I really don’t think we would. The reason gold or silver works as a currency is everyone uses it, or knows someone who uses it, and therefore everyone can agree it’s of value, it can be easily formed into uniform coins or bars that can be easily carried and it’s useful for other applicatons. Cryptocurrency is of value for much the same reasons. People agree it has value, it’s easily transportable and has many uses. But be it gold, safecoin or a bowl of nuts and you’re still bartering and trading stuff. See this is where people get confused. Quid pro quo > Barter > Monatary exchange commerce. But monetary exchange commerce is STILL a form of barter which in turn is still a form of quid pro quo. Get it straight people. Designing a value based currency that won’t deflate makes about as much sense as telling people they aren’t allowed to decide how much a product is worth. Safecoins already get destroyed when they get spent when buying from the network. That alone should stabailize things quite a bit.