Introducing SAFE Wallet app

Thanks a lot folks for all your comments and for reporting all these problems, it feels good to see your interest an support by trying it out and which will help to enhance it!

I haven’t tested these scenarios with decimals, and it’s good you did since that’s the whole point of me sharing it with all of you. I’m sure decimals have made the app to somehow screw your wallet internally.
Divisibility is not supported/implemented at all, so even if I give you the exact explanation of why the app is incorrectly behaving like that, I would say it really doesn’t matter, strictly speaking it’s a bug and I just need to restrict it to allow tx with entire coins until divisibility is really supported.
I’m sure you are aware of the discussions and ideas about how to implement divisibility, and that’s why I didn’t try to implement any of that as yet. Although, one of the reasons I wanted to have this working is to then be able to use it as a tool to test different type of divisibility implementations, I can imagine having different altcoins wallets and each of them implemented with different types of algorithms for coin transactions/divisibility. This should be a way to validate what’s the best approach for divisibility and coin management in gral., or that’s what I imagine.

In gral. input validations are not being implemented, and in the case of the amount to be transferred I coded a very basic validation which parses and understands “0.99” as a number, but it rejects “0,99”, which is correct for English locale but not for Spanish that is exactly the other way around. So validations need to be implemented all over the app, which is not always trivial since localization might be also involved like in this case.

I’m not so sure if it’s for free, do you spend PUTs when you make modifications to data??? like in this case modifications are being made to SDs, I believe you do spend PUTs…!?!

I’m gonna test this now to confirm it, but I think I was completely wrong when I told you @polpolrene that we can now make transactions among wallets in different SAFE accounts.
Now that I think of it, the reason must be that I’m using SDs for the notifications and for the coins, and they are created using PLAIN cypher opts. Now, they can be read by anyone but I understand they cannot be modified by anyone, so when you are trying to transfer a coin to another account’s wallet, the recipient’s inbox SD cannot be updated to notify about the transfer, and even if it was able to, the recipient’s wallet wouldn’t be able to modify the coin when trying to transfer it to someone else.

So now I’m wondering…is it really possible to implement a coin with the current state of StructuredData/Cypher Opts ?
I don’t see how any of the three type of cypher opts can be used to allow it, i.e. allow two (or any) different accounts to make modifications on the same SD. I know that for the tx notifications I can just use AppendableData like the email is done, but not sure how to allow this for the coins, perhaps using ASYMMETRIC…

@Josh, please try it with v0.10 as suggested by @JPL and let us know, I’m not sure if there could be some incompatibility issue.