Introducing SAFE EventStore (event sourcing database)

Hey @anon81773980

I’ll give it a try :slight_smile:

(There’s also a podcast which goes through some of it: SAFE Crossroads Podcast #38, Event Sourcing on the SAFE Network)

SAFE.EventStore library contains tooling to be used by software developers.
It is an implementation of a specific database type - a certain way to organize data. It adds a layer of abstraction on top of current SAFENetwork API, which means: it makes it easier for developers to interact with the network.
This library can be used as foundation for data storage as is, both according to Event Sourcing practices but also in other ways, if used under additional layers of abstraction.
Simply put: a protocol to store data in a specific structure, which makes it easier for new developers to get started, without knowing much of the details of SAFENetwork implementation.

There is also a SAFE.CQRS library which is yet another layer of abstraction enabling developers to build applications according to patterns and practices commonly known as CQRS and DDD (Command and Query Responsibility Segregation and Domain Driven Design). Those patterns are ways to handle scalability as well as improve development experience (CQRS) and to be able to handle complex business domains (DDD).
It is supposed to make it easier to build robust, scalable applications that are easier to maintain and that are more apt to handle the problems they are built to solve.

But there is more to be done on those areas. For those who are somewhat familiar with application design patterns it can be interesting to look into DCI (Data Context Interaction). It is yet another level of design practices that I will eventually use for applications that will make use of the libraries mentioned above. (Here is a very good 43 minute talk by Andreas Söderlund on DCI).

All this talk of layers and abstractions is maybe a bit confusing if you’re not a software developer, but each layer of abstraction is supposed to make programming easier in various ways. A good abstraction doesn’t lose much power in exchange for this simplification, but generally you could say that you have more freedom/power with less abstractions, but also a much steeper learning curve and many more open pitfalls.