Incentivising public uploads

If your right, my whole lamenting is pointless and everything will be fine even without incentivisation.

I still struggle with how to discount eternity. My gut feeling is eternity is something like 5-10 times today price (storage + bandwidth). Then of course another multiplying comes (by a number of copies in the system). Than discounting because of ideal use of spare sources so the result will be much lower than the previous result. Yeah, who knows, we are all brewing numbers.

And today’s 100GB in storage is still $5 btw… then those multiplications. Anyway, hope you are right and we do not have a problem.

Wow!!! I knew you were strengthening and adding lightness but that is an amazing number of LoC to get rid of. How many bugs just can’t happen from that reduction alone??? What is this as a % of total project LoC? Is this not a figure we shoud be shouting from the rooftops ?


Poor David, originally replying in ERC20, got off-topic just because of me… sorry David

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I’m not a programmer, obviously, but I’ve been around such people and I have a question. Spaghetti code as far as I understand is code in which changing one place changes other places. Modular code is one in which each module is for itself and does not affect the others when it changes. If so how modular the Safe code is?


I’m not sure where you got them figures from, but using for Sia it looks like about $0.45 per month for 100gb.

So, annualized, Sia would be about $5 per year. So may be forever is $25-50 using your multiples? Not too shabby, imo - about $0.25 per gb.

It puts that 20gb for Wikipedia in perspective too (text only). $5-10 to store that forever. I think they would like those hosting costs and users would love to have it there.

Ok, we don’t know really numbers until it goes live, but the focus should be on value to other users for public data. If something which is uploaded becomes popular, the network will be providing value. It will necessarily be subsidised by data which has less value to others (as it will be rarely accessed).

I’d suggest that if upload costs for public data are a concern, they could be handled through fund raises, donations, charities, tips, etc.


I was just pondering on this some more.

The cost to store public data will be a reflection of the objective value of public data being consumed on the network. The definition of object value being the quantity of data requested/consumed by users.

Given that data with high demand will put the most load on the network, with the cost to upload being equal, low demand data must subsidise high demand data. Therefore, the upload cost will reflect this over time.

Private data storage will also impact on this in a similar way, but it is likely that public data will be consumed by a wider audience and will be a more dominant factor.

Flipping this around, data which is valuable to the network will be relatively cheap, compared to data which is not. Data which is valuable to the network can be considered as data which is often consumed. This is the reverse of the current internet, where popular data is expensive to host, relative to unpopular data.

This is an interesting dynamic. Instead of popular data being a burden on the uploader, unpopular data becomes a burden on the uploader. Therefore, the network will encourage data which people value most.

Is this more equitable? It certainly seems that way. Uploaders will need to compete to upload data that people wish to consume, in order to maximise their benefit of uploading (publishing?) it to the safe network. Unpopular data and spam will likely be deterred.

In summary, I believe the safe network will reward those who upload valued data, due to relatively (vs traditional internet) low hosting costs.


@Traktion, deep thank you for your patience with me. Great explanation! I haven’t thought about it that way and it’s really ingenious…

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Better to call it Pay the Provider since anyone can provide the content

Yep and PtP will encourage the actual creator to upload the best quality they can before copycats do and if I had the choice of watching/listening to the original creator with the best quality then I will use them over a copycat with same or worse quality

Maybe different formats might change that.

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Still talking about a kind of speculating or money based filtration. Why should that work out? Greatest apparent promise of both SAFE and AI is truth matching.

Now instead of supply side with the switch of the term “producer” to “provider” we’ve gone from more of an emphasis on supply side to user generated content or a social media model but without the surveilance. Can’t help it sorry- MAGA was preceeded in the US by making bribery pay by making bribery protected, sacrosant, normalized, business modeled speech. Already had a media that had right’s citizens did’t (citizens were comparatively censored) and that media through corruption was captured and consolidated by sponsors under protected bribery and as a intended result the legislature was captured by the same sponsors so now we have law as crime. SC can’t say the President isn’t above the law unequivocally because that would interfere with puppetry or soft conqueroring of the US by foreign states both hostile and friendly as none of the sponsors were ever anything but cosmopolitans. So now a country that spent 80 imperial years putting 800 military bases in foriegn countries which has nukes and weaponized data bases can’t even
carry out rigging its own elections because the at odds oligarch sponsors have grown so confident that out in the open sabotage of national elections by shutting ballot delivery prior to the election has been announced by their puppet- multiple masters problem.

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