Implimenting P2P Post and other SAFE couriers to replace state postal services

Okay I just read this:

And the short of it is that Canada post has been cut back funds to the point that they now want to stop home mail box service and have this giant post office for everyone. Understandably some people are distressed by this. Point is if the state mail system is having such issues then maybe it’s time to go private, more particularly to use the SAFE network to organize p2p mail. This has already been mentioned on other threads. (If you find it and let me know.) But given current events I think it’s relevent to revist and come up with something more concrete. Obviously there would be other countries and communities that would benefit from such a system. So how could this be implimented? How could all the projects work together? (P2P mail and say the black apps for instance as both cover courier services.) How, boots on the ground, would it all work?

In short for a lot of people this could go from “theoretical nice idea” to “practical necessity” in a VERY short time.


My thought, A postal service would fit the block chain technology like ethereum where a package could be registered on the blockchain with a smart contract p2p to the end point. If a parcel was on the safe network it would be pulled apart into million pieces by hundreds of people and delivered broken. “joke”.