IFF- Internet Freedom Festival 6-10th March. Joining Forces to Fight Censorship and Surveillance

https://internetfreedomfestival.org/ in Valencia, Spain 6-10th March

I met Paige @ioptio at the festival last year where she gave wto great workshops:

It’s a free and well organised festival and attracts a broad audience from all over the globe.

I’m helping organise the festival logistics this year and it’s really shaping up. I’ll be giving a community presentation: Introduction to the SAFE network. So if you’re in the area come visit.

@lightyear If Ben is free and can swing by then even better, he can lead the workshop (: very welcome !

any questions about the festival, just ask !


Hi @sprks! See you in Valencia. :slight_smile:
Looking forward to your presentation on SAFE this time around. I’ll be planning to give a self organized workshop on Zcash.

I lurk here from time to time but don’t have the capacity to stay updated in full so it’ll be fun to nerd out on SAFE again. :wink:


Great to see you here Paige!


great news Paige! (: can’t wait, it’s going to be cool. def going to join you in the Zcash workshop for sure.

Think i’m arriving Sunday, will msg you then :smiley:

hasta pronto amiga