I’ve made a wallet on omniwallet.org should my Maid show up as maid or will they still look like BTC?

is this a conversion tool ?

Yes (20 characters)

the key i have appears to be 111 characters, i’m not sure which field to put it in

  • i presume it’s Extended Private Key, but i cant enter it into that field

I have never had to use it , so I cant really be of assistance here.

If I’m correct , @mav created the tool, maybe he can advise you.

See this thread.
It looks as though your 111 character long info is not your pvt key at all to me. Or not for that one address, but for your whole wallet.

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You said you had your mnemonic seed words from Mycelium wallet, and were trying to find the private key for one of the addresses derived from this mnemonic, right? You can see all the derived addresses and their corresponding private keys when you enter your mnemonic into that tool (preferably done offline)

I was starting to suspect something along those lines.

ok, thanks. I’m not entirely sure which one it is and i have to wait 2 days now to backup the pass phrase from my wallet, might have another try with the ones i have and see if i can find the maid

There seems to be a lot of derived addresses , do i just keep generating them until i find the one i’m looking for?

I believe what was being said was.
You can feed your recovery words into that tool.
It will then show all addresses and corresponding pvt keys.
So do that and search for the address with the maid on which you have.
Then copy the pvt key for that address.
Preferably offline for security.

I did that, but seems to be generating unlimited addresses (i’m on more than 6000 now). I think the problem may be that mycielium creates HD wallets so the recovery phrase i have is just for these mycellium wallets that contain several wallets rather than for a specific wallet.

If that is not what was meant.
It would I think be that you can feed in the 111 chr long you had, which is basically the seed words but in code.

As I’ve said, I nvr used that tool.
I also nvr used mycelium.
But it should I believe only show addresses your wallet allready generated.

Edit,. So if you used that wallet for many many transactions, there would be many addresses and pvt keys.

i did use it for a few transactions ( around 20) , so i assume in theory it could have 1000’s of addresses if the btc being transfered was made from many different pieces ?

I wouldnt think so, no.
Pls see this thread, it may help you.

If you are using mycelium then go into setting and turn on “Show address path”

This then shows the numbers to insert in the bip tool and then you will see your address as @bones says

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Right. If the expected address isn’t showing up then probably the derivation path needs to be adjusted.

Terror got like 6k addresses, doubt he looked through them all.

For HD wallets there are basically an unlimited number of addresses that can be generated. The order is always the same though. If he doesn’t have a crazy number of transactions in his wallet (ie need to look through a different address for each incoming transaction) then probably the derivation path is wrong.
neo mentioned how to show the derivation path in the Mycelium settings