I don't get it, why can't ad be run on the SAFEnetwork? It can be like Brave!

We are actually creating a decentralized distributed autonomous app (ddaapp). The user will be able to clone and own the app (I hate the idea of you coming to only safe://pliwallet, you should be able to access your wallet at safe://fergish or safe://wallet.fergish imho, it’s your money you decide the location of your wallet) the idea is, as much independence. Sure this could create security holes like a scammer adding malicious code to their site, but I hope that people will only clone wallets from people they trust.

Our token will also be time-based, so 10 years from now it will still have the same value.

Besides being an self-serve ad platform and wallet, it will also be a crowdfunding/token generation app. Tokens generated on the app will automatically have our ad features, so even if the project fails, the token will still have the time-based value in our ecosystem. We only require that projects give 10% of all their tokens, to our token holders for free. Poor people stay poor because they don’t know how to invest or have the money to invest. With our approach they don’t have to know that, but in the background projects are silently investing in them. I’m absolutely “no friends” with coinlist.co and their ideas to continue financial exclusion/inequality with nonsense like kyc/aml and accredited investors.

Our token actually got two values (trying to get as close to SAFEcoin as possible) time and money. Time is a fixed value that never change, but still can be used to advertise for that fixed time and money is a fluctuating value decided by the market. So it’s worth 1 minute and could be worth 0.07 SAFEcoin. Imagine selling your house through a token generation on our app, your house token will have two values and whatever you decide is worth more you’ll use. Because of the fixed value (time) you have a guarantee that it will always stay that, but if more people use our app the fluctuating value might as well reflect that, who knows?

The token can even be used in real-time in the real world as a time banking substitute, I pay you 1 hour for 1 hour work.

I don’t plan to base the success of this project on humans only. This app will also be used by AI’s who need little time to understand value and value processing. To process value humans (banks, but humans accept it) will take days, they love it when their currency is inflated, love paying to save their currency, love getting their accounts frozen and currency confiscated. I’m not an fintellectual, but you should not disturb a lover who didn’t read the “fine” print. Time will tell, but what we’ll create will be ticking along just fine on the SAFE Network.

If it takes humans 10 years to understand resourced based money and an AI 10 seconds, I guess it’s first come first served. AI’s won’t get a UBI, humans will if they want it.
:robot: :stuck_out_tongue: