HowTo: Move your MAID from an exchange (Poloniex before January 30th, 2020)

Looks like it’s OK as there is a small btc amount at your address, that’s how the OMNI protocol works.
You can check your MAID balance here:


Many thanks nevel. So is it safe to put the key address number into omniwallet?

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yep, it’s the public address. They start with a ‘1’ or ‘3’. Totally safe, nobody can do anything with it, only watch


Thanks so much, it worked!


It would be interesting to know how much maidsafe is left on that exchange now

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You can check here:


Yikes! That’s incredible market power they will have given themselves

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Check in 10 days since surely there are still a number of people to move their coins out of Poloniex.

Its 26,797,480 now, just 2 hours later

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Neo, true, the question is do they know? I was fortunate my substratum investment (yeah I know) was delisted by binance but more than a month after the deadline they still allowed me to withdraw.
It seems unacceptable to me that an exchange can dictate that if you don’t move your holdings in one month or whatever it was then we will simply take it for ourselves

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Yea who knows how much more will be w/d betwen now and 31st.

On the 12th there was 34,533,986 and today the 21st there is 26,797,480

So on the order of 8 million over 9 days. Nearly 1 million per day being w/d and this may mean another 10 million will be w/d since that (round about) average has been since announcement

Of course there could be a number who leave it to last day or two

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If that is what happens next, it will indeed be grand theft. I can’t see how else you can define it. I hope someone rich and powerful takes them to the cleaners over it.


It is possible that poloniex will also respond to requests after deadline. I can imagine they want most people to w/d now and get them out of the way and then the few remain could be handled by support. No guarantees though and I could be giving them too much credit for being honourable

wont Polo sell the remaining tokens on other exchanges and add the btc balance to the customers accounts?

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They would be or should be required to keep the coins for a period so people can request their property before it goes down as unclaimed goods.

Converting it during that time is not a viable option.

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isnt it this month? my question is about after the 31st January ofc.

They would in all good business practice still need to keep the coins for another one to 4 months depending on the period unclaimed goods are required to be kept before declaring them as unclaimed. THe time period would vary between countries. But 3 or 6 months is common. So on the 1st of Feb that is 2 months, then comes some more time that they would manually return the coins if requested. How long is unknown and China may only require the 2 months, which is why I said before this is not guaranteed.


Well I lost a bit of MAID because poloniex wouldn’t let me transfer fractions out but I managed to get out the bulk of it. Why would poloniex charge transfer fees on a crypto it’s delisting and doesn’t want to trade anymore? Bloody money grab if you ask me.


22,689,223 MAID left on Polo

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0.4… for me. I’m just waiting for it to get transfered to Omniwallet. Got the cryptobeaurocracy is slow as frack.

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how can you whine about the 0.4 its not like it will one day be worth 1k dollars or

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