HowTo: Move your MAID from an exchange (Poloniex before January 30th, 2020)

Hello friends,

This guide provides information on how to move your MAID from an exchange (Important! you need to move your coins from Poloniex before January 30th, 2020 at 17:00 UTC).

You can send your coins to a hardware or software wallet.

Before we go on let’s explain what we do here. Your MAID is in an address on the Bitcoin blockchain. The exchange actually has only a private key to this address. So what we are doing here is to explain how you can move your coins to a new address for which only you have the private key. Whoever has the private key can move the coins on the blockchain.

1. How to send MAID to a hardware wallet

The only hardware wallet that allows you to work directly with MAID to date is Trezor.

Important! if you have a Ledger you can also send MAID to it but you will then need to move the private keys outside to be able to send MAID from the Ledger to an external address.

If you have a Trezor, simply copy the bitcoin address from “Receive Bitcoin (BTC)” tab and send the MAID from an exchange to that address. Bitcoin and MAID use the same address!

Important! do NOT use the “Legacy account” (address starts with “1” - in other words the non segwit addresses) in to later be able to send MAID using

If you do not have a Trezor you can buy from this affiliate link and you will help with the marketing of the SAFE network*: Crypto Hardware Wallets - all products | Trezor - Official eShop

*All affiliate revenue will go directly to promote the network.

To protect the connection port of your Trezor from dust and distortion: use micro usb Magnet USB Adapter Plugs -

1.1 How can you later send MAID from that address?

  • Click “Allow once for this session”

  • Select the Bitcoin account in which is your MAID

  • click “Select Address”

  • To send MAID enter the number you want to send and a Receiving Address. Click Submit


  • Sign and Send !!!Very important - check on the Trezor screen that what you have entered on your computer is what was sent to the Trezor. You may have a virus that changes addresses!!!


  • If you see this error, then you do not have enough bitcoin to send the transaction. The solution is to send enough Bitcoin to the address (for a transaction, a minimum of 12000 satoshis as of 01/10/2020)

2. How to send MAID to a software wallet

There are two options. Hot Wallet and Cold Wallet. A hot wallet is a less secure option, a cold wallet is a more secure option.

2.1 Hot Wallet
This option is the most insecure, I recommend that you make a cold wallet.

Before we continue, let’s protect your account as much as possible.

  • Go to My Account

  • Click on Setup/Enable a MultiFactor Authentication (MFA) Device

  • To set up your account to requin MFA device scan the QR code from the site or manually enter the secret from the site into your MFA Device/Software (Google Authenticator, Authy, etc…)

  • Don’t Forget Your Wallet ID! Write it offline in a safe place!
    WARNING: Losing your Wallet ID is UNRECOVERABLE and can result in LOSS of ALL of your coins!

  • When you are ready, go to My Wallet

  • Click My Addresses

  • Copy the Address

  • Log In to а exchange to send the money to your Address

  • For Poloniex Go to Balances / Deposits & Withdrawals / Select MAID / Click Withdraw / Paste the address you copy from Omniwallet in the address field (Check it out! You may have a virus that changes address when copying/pasting!!! So check it carefully by going back to Omniwallet and make sure that the address is the same).

2.2 Cold Wallet
Here is the real magic. After the hardware wallet, this is the second safest option.

You’ll need 2 USB memory sticks. On the first one, you will save Linux Mint. On the second one, you will save the software for creating a bitcoin address.

  • Go to Download Linux Mint 21 - Linux Mint and download Cinnamon 32-bit or 64-bit.

  • Make a bootable USB stick with Etcher (download it from here balenaEtcher - Flash OS images to SD cards & USB drives )

  • Go to GitHub - pointbiz/ JavaScript Client-Side Bitcoin Wallet Generator
    Click Clone or download / Download ZIP

  • Save it on the second USB stick

  • Shut down your computer. Unplug the internet cable from your LAN card or disable WiFi.

  • Insert the first USB stick (the one with Linux on it) on your computer. Start your computer and boot it from the USB drive.

  • You want to use only the live Linux version without installing it! So wait for it to start automatically or press Start Linux Mint.

  • Insert the second USB stick. Extract the

  • Select, click right button → Open With → Other Application → FireFox

  • Move your mouse until a bitcoin address is generated.

  • If you have a printer now is the time to turn it on and print the generated address. If not you will need to write down on a piece of paper the Private Key (Do not save it on the memory stick! Any device that can be placed on a computer with access to the Internet is vulnerable!)

  • Be sure not to print on a printer that keeps a history of what was printed (eg most office printers do keep history so do not print on those printers)

  • Make at least 3 copies of the Private Key to keep in different places. For added security, cut the copies in half and store each piece at a different location.

  • Now is the time to record your public Bitcoin Address. It can be stored on a flash drive for ease. It’s public, so no problem.

  • Create New Document → Empty Document → Display → Copy/Paste the public Bitcoin Address and safe the file on the second flash drive.

  • Restart your computer and remove the first flash drive.

  • Log in to your operating system and log In to а exchange to send the money to the Address you save on the second flash drive.

  • For Poloniex Go to Balances / Deposits & Withdrawals / Select MAID / Click Withdraw / Past the address you copy from the second flash drive in the address field (Check it out! You may have a virus that changes address when copying/pasting!!! So check it carefully by going back to the second flash drive and make sure that the address is the same).

Bonus tips:

  • send a small amount of BTC to the new address for when you wish to move the coins back to an exchange / transform to SafeCoin address.

  • check if your downloads from bitaddress and Mint are genuine:

  1. Open at master · pointbiz/ · GitHub and look at the SHA256 sum:

  2. Open PowerShell in the folder where you downloaded and extracted the file (HOLD shift button and right click with the mouse to see the powershell option)

  3. Enter the command Get-FileHash and the path to the file (you can select and drag it to the PowerShell console)

  4. Compare the SHA256 sum from 1. with what you see in the PowerShell console. They must be the same!

Final tip:

  • If you want to be uber magical you can use the power of cryptography and encrypt the private key of your bitcoin address:
  1. Open and select a random book
  2. Go to a random page.
  3. Look for the first character of your Bitcoin key on the page (for example, if your key is L45bAP85f*****, look for the letter L.)
  4. Record the page number, line number, and character number. (for example, page 157, line 11, character number 1 = [157_11_1_u] (u=uppercase)):
  5. For each character from the private key do the same
  6. The end result is [157_11_1_u]+[n]+[n]+…
  7. You can also store this result online, just remember which book and which edition of the book you used to encrypt it :wink:

If you have questions it is better to ask than to lose your money :dragon:
Contact me at WhatsApp if you need help:


Be sure not to print on a printer that keeps history of what was printed (eg most office printers do keep history so do not print on those printers). Sounds obvious but it’s not always so obvious…


thanks Mav, I added it to the guide :dragon:


Another option I often recommend to non-technical people, is to use the software wallet electrum.

It will now show 12 seed words. Write them down on paper and store it on a safe place.
You can use this to restore your wallet when you lose your password or wallet file.

Of course create a good password. Copy the created wallet file and store in on usb.

Electrum will create some bitcoin addresses which you can use to send your MAID to.
Later on you can retrieve the private key when needed and import it on when you want to send the MAID coins to some other address. Electrum is just a way to store the keys safely, you can not use it to send MAID directly.


If some of your coins were still on Poloniex and not already in one of these storage options it was probably for the reason you want to be able to quickly exchange or trade for another crypto/dollar. If this is the case is bittrex the best option left available for maid traders?

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Definitely one of the good options for that circumstance. There maybe other good options soon.

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Just to double check, do we still need only legacy bitcoin addresses?


I’ve tested with addresses starting with 1 and 3

While 3 works there is no skin off your nose to just use legacy,

Hopefully there is less time now then there was since issuance of the coin. :slight_smile: /just kidding around

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Do mint and bit address not have checksums?

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Paper can be destroyed by fire, water etc. Cryptosteel can be used to protect against this


All bitcoin address have checksum.

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How would that help confirm the downloads of mint and bit address have not been tampered with?

Btc core always has a checksum for that.

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For Mint, the instructions for verifying the ISO are here:


Ok, this is how to verify bit address download is genuine.

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Thanks. Really helpful.


thanks for the help @bones , I updated the guide :dragon: and I added some more magic :mage:

@intrz see this magic, it’s free and it’s better than Cryptosteel:


It looks like something is missing here. The end result of what?

Edit: Strike that comment. I was being stupid.

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