How does MaidSafe solve double-spending?

I think you need to slow down just a little bit there tigger.

You’ve had 4 years to learn the ins and outs of bitcoin. Ehtereum is built on bitcoin, so of course you can explain it. Nxt is built on peercoin - that’s a bitcoin knockoff. Of course you can explain that. Safecoin hasn’t even been released yet. So far none of the developers have chimed in because they’ve already said they’re spending this weekend deep in code. If you want to have this discussion 4 years from now we can compare apples to apples. However, right now all you’re saying is “I can explain something I’ve been studying for 4 years in 10 minutes at a party. why can’t you do the same to something that isn’t release yet and built on a totally different technology?”

Give it time man.