How Do you Explain Maidsafe To A Non-Believer?

No and no, whoever you are.

Young people are often hopelessly absorbed in fashion, of “culture” and opinions, and buried in their smartphones. It can take a while for them to find their intellectual independence, if they ever do.

A singularity is not required for life extension technology. The work of people such as Parrish, Andrews and de Grey is quite promising, seems to me, and nonsense about “uploading” is a distraction.


Not like the old folk then?


Seems a bit of a non sequitur.

Young people, especially females, are often absorbed in their smartphones everywhere they are: on transport (even while driving), walking in the street. Not so much: people with newspapers.


Oh my.

Generalising people, especially the ones you dont seem to be a part of. Lemme ask you a question: whos responsible for the mess we’re in right now? And whos responsible for manipulating everyone, especially young people who barely start to grasp whats going on in the world? Kids? Women? You gotta be kidding me :fearful:

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I’m not down on young people. I was countering the statement by @MerkleTree that “they represent the future”. They don’t. There’s no special creativity or novelty there.

If you want to see the future, imagine a post-centenarian with an apparent age of twenty.

Not strictly true.

“…has demonstrated that creative productivity and age have a linear relationship—that is, creativity declines over the life-span.”

Although productivity and ability are not the same thing and…

“Thus, different stages of the life-span are characterized by different kinds of creativity.”

I would certainly argue that young people enjoy a special kind of creativity and it should not be undervalued or underestimated just because we’ve forgotten what it feels like :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Agree with this though… the world is going to look scarily different by the time our kids are in triple digits and shooting for the 4th digit :confused: Lucky little buggers :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: /jealous

Whats that? Someone whos over 100 years old? So you mean someone whos lived for over a hundred years but physically is like a very “healthy” 20-year old?

Now this is getting meta². Haha, square-meta. Alright. Theres only future if theres someone/something that thinks about future. So if there were no kids there soon wouldnt be anyone left to think about future, no matter if pp lived 4d lives. The other way around, not so.

Or another way of putting it, we’re all the future, cause we’re all someones kid. But all old kids die. Eventually. Lol crazy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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The alternate approach, upon which the present paper is founded, maintains that creative productivity and creative ability are not identical.

Quite so. Productivity in general depends on mental and physical energy (among other things) which do decline with age.

Creative ability simply doesn’t decline with age.

If I just look around (never mind academics building their portfolio of papers), or read a little history, I see that the supposed creativity of young people is a myth. They are far and away the most conformist group in society.

The WW1 genocide and the 60’s were shining examples of the latter.

And don’t mistake aggressiveness for creativity. That is obviously also a function of physical and mental energy (and heedlessness of consequences) and redundancy of physical systems (they can fall flat on their face and bounce back up).

No need to be, if you consider that could will be there. Just don’t expect me to make room for them.

On topic: I see no value in explaining anything unless an explanation is sought by someone who really wants to know and isn’t setting you up for an attack. Just be an example, and use SAFEnet to be free and to “live long and prosper.”

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@bluebird give him (or her) the link you posted a while back?

As it happens, had to search the forum for your post and came across MUMPS twice, the software, not the disease.

Had not heard about “M” for years, which is only possible by getting older. Wikipedia:

Originally designed in 1966 for the healthcare industry, M
continues to be used today by many large hospitals and banks
to provide high-throughput transaction data processing.

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Yea well, as much as this discussion interests me, I feel it is way too complex for me to resort to writing (its just too slow a way of communication). Maybe back to topic. But your thoughts are interesting!

not the ones about the conformist stuff and supposed history, thats just wrong :laughing: haha sorry had to poke

Some very interesting views and opinion, however, we have a date 24th September, 2016. If anyone is available to help explain the whole concept via a question and answer session like the one in the video above please let me know.

OK for me at the moment but will depend on family.

OK nice one bring the family if you want?

Now there’s an idea. Know where I can hire a snatch squad?

Not really, however, I have heard about some dangerous characters around Hockley Heath :wink:

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Hello All,

Here are the details of the meetup. Hopefully a few experts can attend?

If you want to participate via video link please let us know.


I would like to join the video link. Thanks.

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OK pm me a method you would like to use.

Watch it live @

Here is the result