Hi, I'm freshman here, so ,could somebody tell me the difference between SAFE and IPFS

could somebody tell me the difference between SAFE and IPFS? thanks!


Here is something to get you started, not a direct comparison but maybe it helps.


What is the “variable” for the 3rd and 9th rows?


Also How is IPFS compared to SAFENetwork?
Maidsafe vs Freenet / I2P / IPFS

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Thanks Tobbe for sharing this! There is actually a spreadsheet comparing SAFE to IPFS found here. (Not all claims are verified though)

I removed two of the points from the chart. See the discussion about it here.

Anyone can help me to fill in the blanks of the spreadsheet. I’ll create a finished chart like the one above as soon as it’s filled out :smiley:

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SAFE is designed to be an infinite decentralized, scalable storage space with complete privacy and guarantees that your data will always be there. IPFS is a more low level protocol which doesn’t encrypt by default, doesn’t guarantee your data will be available. IPFS mainly just guarantees that some specific file, if is it stored somewhere, will always be accessible by its hash more or less. Other mechanisms might be built on top of IPFS to incentivize people to store data etc.


IPFS is a scheme by which files are named according to their hashes, and then you can ask the ipfs network to retrieve any given file, and rather than going directly to a centralized server, it can be delivered to you by any peer node that happens to have it.

SAFE behaves similarly in its treatment of how to name and retrieve files – except that it chards the files, encrypts them before storing them in the peer to peer network.

I see IPFS as an overlapping technology that is built in more of the Linux architecture – build small programs that do one thing and do it well – If you wanted all the features SAFE is going to have - you would need the IPFS library, an encryption library, a authentication library, an anonymization library, a cryptocurrency library etc and you would have to link these together in some sort of composition and co-ordination of smaller parts.

SAFE is more of a monolithic architecture – More Apple than linux – Building all of the features in one nice package that all are known to work together.

IPFS is cool, I am a fan. SAFE is way cooler – but also much harder to deliver. It’s getting there…


Cool, thanks for the clarification :slight_smile:

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thank you all , now i learned a lot about them. but in now days IPFS seems do more work on pr, in china i could hardly find something about safenet


Can you give example or even a link to where you find IPFS pr in china, forums or others? It would be very interesting and usefull to know. In which places do you see promotion for crypto projects in China? Maidsafe and the SAFE-network grows quickly and hopefully it will reach China more in the future.


Thanks for the nice tool Arcturus, makes it easy to show newcomers differences between projects. In the spots where it is currently blank, would it be of value to highlight abilities like streaming and apps?

Here is the website where people can learn something about IPFS: http://ipfser.org/, it is built and opreated by some volunteers, of course it has some other goals like selling the mining equipments in the future.

Generally, ipfs has been doing a lot work in pr in china, and it is popular in china because the gfw, and some IT engineers are developing their own blockchain platform built on IPFS like hero node.And I surely am interested in it,and would like to develop my own webplatform on it,hahahaha!


There is some pretty big limitations compared to SAFENetwork. Take a look here:


Maybe we should make an overview available on the new future website, comparing all known projects to The Safe Network. It will avoid all kinds of confusion, like mine for instance :joy:


Adding this to the forum should help:

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