Help planning my career path to build businesses and apps on Maidsafe

Hello to all. what looks like to you this site?

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This looks awesome! I may have to get on that site myself!!! :slight_smile:

I came across this Maidsafe job ad from nearly a couple of years ago, which provides some interesting benchmarks for thinking about professional skills in this space. Note that their specification of C++ would now be Rust. Note the importance in the ad of verifiable attainments that aren’t necessarily job-related, but could be achieved in a few years by passionate devotion to any kind of software development.

I also came across this concise Vim tutorial that motivates me (mid-year’s resolutuion) to break the habit of using a purely graphical editor. His metaphor of Vim being a language, with verbs, modifiers and nouns helps to organize what had previously struck me as a mass of rote commands.


hahahaha : ) possibly blue bird

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from what I have read and please everyone correct me if I am wrong. But in the software engineering and start world degrees are worthless, but skills and knowlege are extreamly valuable. Most universities CS degrees are ass backwards and due to the college education bubble create by gov. gareenting of student loan extreamly overpriced.
The career potential of two people with similar skills one having a BS and the other not having a BS is no different. Those with industry experiance, does that sound right?

from what I read the ROI on Devbootcamp and Hackreactor are much better than a college degree. not to mention a fraction of the time and cost.

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