Grouping vaults by owner, to strengthen redundancy?

I was never talking about tagging data. Just vaults.

I’d say if you’re offering 1.2TB of your hard drive, you’re more dedicated than the average user already :wink:
Anyway, let’s do the maths.
Under the assumption that distribution is initially random (in practice, it would probably shift towards large-scale commercial farmers pretty quickly, as they have 24/7 uptime and much larger bandwidth reserves than the average user), the total storage space on SAFE is 1 PB on day 1 (I mean, I’d love that too, but I think that’s quite an optimistic estimate), and you provide 100TB of space yourself:

When a chunk replica is uploaded, the probability of you not getting it is 100% minus your share of total storage space (as long as distribution is indeed random), so 90%. As 4 replicas are uploaded, the probability of you not getting a single one of them is 90%^4, so 65.61%.

So for every chunk uploaded, you have a 35% chance of getting at least one copy.

For a small file of 3 chunks, your probability of getting a full copy of it is then 35%^3, so roughly 4.2%, and the inverse, the probability of you not getting a full copy, is 95.8%.

Let’s say someone uploads 100 photos which all fit into 3 chunks each. The probability of you not getting at least one full file then is 95.8%^100, which is… about 1.37%.

@dirvine has stated that in practical tests this isn’t a problem, so I’m probably wrong somewhere, and I’d appreciate it if someone were to point out as to where. It’s not like I want this problem to be real :wink:

Getting slightly off topic here, but if you run a server farm, you don’t let a hard drive failure destroy your data :slight_smile: