Forum Update: Steady Growth

Hi everyone, here’s the third update about how our forum is doing and what’s going on in our community (read the previous one here). To directly jump to numbers, we’ve seen 64 new users joining our forum over the last 30 days (welcome folks!) and overall we’re almost at 1500 members. Two new daily users is the steady growth we’ve seen over the last few months as well.

About Moderation
Over the last few months your mod-team has been working on a more structured way of moderation on the forum. We’ve developed “Moderation Tools” so all mods will use the same approach when responding to incidents. Do we have incidents? Yes, we do have a few of them, and we want to be prepared if this forum starts to grow and we see more of them. Of course, spam is quite obvious, we sometimes see a new user that joined the forum 5 min. ago and is posting a reply about weight loss on a topic about encryption :yum: The harder part is when users are in quite some heavy debate about a topic. Is a reply a personal attack? Is the discussion going off-topic? Or just strong opinion about the subject? We have a private channel on Slack and when we spot something that’s might not be in line with the Forum Guidelines we ask other mods their opinion. We actually try to reach consensus. Unfortunately not all mods are online at the same time, so most of the times only 2 are there. The community is a great help here, because we don’t read all topics, a Flag can be very helpful when you spot something that’s not in line with the FG. All mods get a notification about a Flag so we directly see that some attention is needed when we’re online on the forum.

Another question to ask is: How off-topic can people go in the off-topic category? Especially when replying to a topic. Do we want all replies to be in line with the OP as well? Or should people have some more freedom in that category? Feel free to reply to this topic and leave your comments.

The ants are coming!
To conclude this topic, it might be fun to see how we’re all going to test SAFE. The antstallers :stuck_out_tongue: (sorry, couldn’t resist) are coming and it might be fun to see how we’re all gonna be part of it.

How are you gonna test the SAFE Network?

  • Installation on Windows
  • Installation on Linux
  • Installation on Mac OS

0 voters


Hi there, just checkin in to say that I think you are doing a really good job with moderation. Anyone likes to be moderated, I certainly don´t, and it often happens that opinions differ between moderators and moderated, but I guess one should never take those things too serious. Having a common and transparent policy is the best approach to keep things as fair as it can get. Big thumbs up to all of you.