Find keys NRS?....Title is too short (minimum is 15 characters)

Creating keys spawns three data items

$ safe keys create
New SafeKey created at: "safe://...1
Key pair generated:
Public Key = ...2
Secret Key = ...3

If I know 3 as secret key, is that sufficient to derive 2 as public key?
If I know 3 as secret key, is that sufficient to rediscover the NRS?

… and I’m expecting that I don’t need to recall the auth login phrase and password to later action any transfers against SafeKeys.

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Yes, you’ll need some utility to do it, not with SAFE CLI at the moment.

Which NRS? if you mean the SafeKey XOR-URL, then yes but there is no utility exposed as of yet from CLI to do that.

You should be able to transfer/action from that SafeKey as long as you have the secret key, like in any other crypto.


Yes… for the case where user wants to later register that against a PublicID.
Good to know it is possible and just wanting a tool.

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