Files with imbedded wallets

Would it be possible to imbed a safe coin wallet address in say a song file as is spoken of with an app or site? If so could that file be reintroduced by others who are not the creators of the content with their own wallet addresses? Or could deduplication solve this? Maybe its as easy as resaving the file slightly edited to monetize off from someone else’s work. Thinking of ways to make the content frictionless and from the actual content creators. To add another question anyone know of a bitunes equivalent for the safe network? A very cool concept of incentivizing people to push music they like and paying music makers more directly.

There was quite a long discussion on this and a long thread of discussion to get there. Enjoy…

I’m surprised I missed this discussion I’ve been reading for weeks and just became a member because this thought just kept bugging me. Thank you @chadrickm for posting this thread I’ll read up!