Farming Rewards, free space for new users, and processing power rewards

Here’s my BSA perspective. It’s more about Safecoin but related to the topic here. These are just my opinions and people are welcome to disagree.

Safecoin Distribution
The SAFE Network will distribute 4.3Billion Safecoins over the next 20 years. Users running Non-Client nodes should be paid in Safecoin for the resources they provide. IMO, there should be absolutely no barrier to run a Non-Client node from the start. We have 20 years to perfect a replacement model after Safecoin distribution is completed.

In order for Safecoin to be distributed, the SAFE Network must have data to farm. If we create too high a barrier to PUT data on the network, it hinders distribution and adoption.

BIG IF, the Network can remain functional with overcapacity, then we don’t need a limitation. @dirvine mentions an archiving feature in addition to de-duplication, so perhaps this is already being handled?

Safecoin Adoption
If the SAFE Network expands with: storage, applications, products, and services… so does the adoption of Safecoin which is used to pay for them. People providing these amenities should be able to get on the SAFE Network with as little effort as possible. What good is a market place with no merchants? What good is a crypto currency with nothing to buy? Once the market place and merchants are established, the customers will arrive.

Have you ever seen an empty parking lot with shoppers waiting for the store to be built?

Client Nodes and End-Users
I consider Client nodes as end-users. We discuss good and bad end-users. Should they get free space? Will they exploit the free space? Will they use the Network to spam? Will they contribute useful content? Is 100,000+ Client users enough to attract new farmers, developers, and merchants? Should we require POUH (Proof of Unique Human)… the list goes on for pages and pages on this forum. I wish I had a perfect answer, but I don’t.

The most likely outcome will be a mix of different end-users. Some will be bad no matter what protocols we have in place. And some will be good, helping safeguard and improve the SAFE community.

We do our best to encourage good behavior and discourage bad behavior. Beyond that, I have no wish to control, limit, or obligate others. The whole reason we are building the SAFE Network is for (Secure Access For Everyone).