Farming Hardware: Odroid-U3

Fair point about going for tried and tested…

I guess as I’ll have two USB 3.0 ports it might be an interesting experiment to plug in two drives, one SSD hybrid and one conventional. Setting them up as two vaults and seeing if there is a difference.

I’ll consider whether I want to chuck another £120 at it to do the experiment…



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I think setting up comparisons is good. Personally I’m not that concerned about maximising performance so long as it works farming wise. I am interested in poking about though - and collating results from different people - but it will be difficult to make comparisons unless they are side-by-side. I have a couple of Odroid U3 sitting on a shared broadband connection, each with a 4TB conventional drives and plan to play with different numbers of vaults and see what happens.


I don’t know how much storage you’ll wnat in total, but I think it is prudent to go after hybrid disks like this. In our server setups, I try to aim for 1/4 SSD:3/4 HDD. This takes a lot of strain off of the spinning disks while keeping them handy for big storage needs.

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UPDATE: Hardkernel have released a Ubuntu 16.04 Image for Odroid-U3 (and U2)

Ubuntu 16.04 is required to run SAFE vault software because you need a Linux kernel > v3.9