Farming for Dummies

Yeah I think that a Wikipedia style guide like “Farming from 0” would be very helpful also for new users


Be aware though everyone, the iniital balance algorithm (farming) will be tested and altered based on feedback. We do want as many farmers and as distributed a network as possible. So much may change from now till final algorithm. The goal thouh is lots of farmers and is as many devices as possible with all different capabilities where possible.


Since I am looking at/for a cheaper kind of NAS device, this popped up, in the SAFE Telegram groups a short while ago:

And there’s also a DIY Mini version:


Good, as I gather from comments the temporary one for testing does not have the flexibility for when safecoin goes either real high or real low in price compared to now.

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I guess you should do it like that cause:

The network rate will start to level at 20% above average, thus discouraging massive vaults which would bring centralisation to the network’s farming process.

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With only 3 ticks left to Fleming test network is it time to start thinking of tooling up with an extendable NAS that supports docker.

Will a docker image for a NAS system be available for Fleming? If the answer is yes, I will start buying parts.

Edit: What range of equipment is desired for Fleming testing?

Feels like it’s time to start thinking about putting a guide together.