Errors when running the project on 64-bit Windows 7 SP1

If you build everything (in the VS Command prompt: msbuild maidsafe.sln or open up Visual Studio and build it all there) all the test executables will end up in “build_maidsafe/Debug”. If you’ve built Common, you should already have “build_maidsafe/Debug/test_common.exe” for example.

You can just run this from the command prompt and you’ll see a bunch of GoogleTest output (e.g.

[----------] 2 tests from ClockTest
[ RUN      ] ClockTest.BEH_TimeConversion
[       OK ] ClockTest.BEH_TimeConversion (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] ClockTest.BEH_TimePointConversion
[       OK ] ClockTest.BEH_TimePointConversion (0 ms)
[----------] 2 tests from ClockTest (0 ms total)

[----------] 7 tests from CryptoTest
[ RUN      ] CryptoTest.FUNC_Obfuscation
[       OK ] CryptoTest.FUNC_Obfuscation (859 ms)
[ RUN      ] CryptoTest.BEH_Xor
[       OK ] CryptoTest.BEH_Xor (875 ms)
[ RUN      ] CryptoTest.BEH_SecurePasswordGeneration
[       OK ] CryptoTest.BEH_SecurePasswordGeneration (907 ms)
[ RUN      ] CryptoTest.BEH_Hash
[       OK ] CryptoTest.BEH_Hash (812 ms)
[ RUN      ] CryptoTest.BEH_SymmEncrypt
[       OK ] CryptoTest.BEH_SymmEncrypt (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] CryptoTest.BEH_Compress
[       OK ] CryptoTest.BEH_Compress (78 ms)
[ RUN      ] CryptoTest.BEH_GzipSHA512Deterministic
[       OK ] CryptoTest.BEH_GzipSHA512Deterministic (5157 ms)
[----------] 7 tests from CryptoTest (8688 ms total)

That’s about all you can see at the moment.

If you want to run the tests and have the results posted to the dashboard, then it should be just as per the build instructions.

msbuild /P:Configuration=Debug src\Common\ExperCommon.vcxproj

I can see what I guess is your last run with the successful build, but no tests. At the end of the build output, after the list of all the tests being run, there should be a few lines like this:

  100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 196

  Label Time Summary:
  Behavioural            =  61.23 sec
  CodingStyle            =   6.24 sec
  Common                 = 133.90 sec
  Functional             =  66.40 sec
  MultipleDefinitions    =   0.03 sec

  Total Test time (real) = 134.28 sec
  Submit files (using http)
     Send to track: Experimental
     Using HTTP submit method
     Drop site:
     Uploaded: E:/MaidSafe/VS2013/BuildMaidSafe-Fraser999-clean/Testing/20150303-2314/Build.xml
     Uploaded: E:/MaidSafe/VS2013/BuildMaidSafe-Fraser999-clean/Testing/20150303-2314/Configure.xml
     Uploaded: E:/MaidSafe/VS2013/BuildMaidSafe-Fraser999-clean/Testing/20150303-2314/Test.xml
     Submission successful
  Performing coverage
   Cannot find any coverage files. Ignoring Coverage request.
  Submit files (using http)
     Send to track: Experimental
     Using HTTP submit method
     Drop site:
     Uploaded: E:/MaidSafe/VS2013/BuildMaidSafe-Fraser999-clean/Testing/20150303-2314/Build.xml
     Uploaded: E:/MaidSafe/VS2013/BuildMaidSafe-Fraser999-clean/Testing/20150303-2314/Configure.xml
     Uploaded: E:/MaidSafe/VS2013/BuildMaidSafe-Fraser999-clean/Testing/20150303-2314/Test.xml
     Submission successful
  Deleting file "x64\Debug\ExperCommon\ExperCommon.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild".
  Touching "x64\Debug\ExperCommon\ExperCommon.tlog\ExperCommon.lastbuildstate".
Done Building Project "E:\MaidSafe\VS2013\BuildMaidSafe-Fraser999-clean\src\Common\ExperCommon.vcxproj" (default targets).

Build succeeded.
    0 Warning(s)
    0 Error(s)

Time Elapsed 00:05:40.11

The message about the coverage file not being found is fine, but all the others should be successful. It looks like your “Test.xml” didn’t make it to the dashboard.

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This may be a spurious failure (not unheard of with MSVC). I think CRUX is the only part which fails to build just now, and I’m working on that right now :smile:

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