Ed25519 vs bls performance

supranational have a bls implementation with rust wrappers, it’s “a BLS12-381 signature library focused on performance and security. It is written in C and assembly.”


I added this to the benchmarks (commit d71b596), it’s fast.

(TC is threshold_crypto currently used by sn_node etc, BLST is supranational blst crate)

Sign 32 bytes (µs) 2379.36 192.81 12.34
Sign 1 MiB (µs) 5934.10 2736.71 2.17
Verify 32 bytes sig (µs) 6235.49 846.80 7.36
Verify 1 MiB sig (µs) 9937.81 3471.24 2.86

Signing small messages blst was about 12x faster than threshold_crypto

Verifying small messages blst was about 7x faster than threshold_crypto

Signing and verifying large messages blst was about 2-3x faster than threshold_crypto

There are two modes for blst, one for minimal-pubkey-size operations and one for minimal-signature-size operations. This test was done with minimal-signature-size operations, although I did test with minimal-pubkey-size operations and it was a little slower but still much faster than threshold_crypto.

Be aware this is a very basic test and group multisig operations haven’t been tested, but on the first impression it seems pretty fast.