Do we want a Community run/owned forum “in spirit” or would we rather that be “in fact”?

They could say they built theirs so that others’ nukes don’t interfere with their own freedom.
But it’s one thing to have a nuke and another to interfere with someone’s property.

Here the situation is you can create your own forum for $5/month. No one would interfere with you. If you and Kafir join forces, that’s $2.5/mo and you own 50% each. That’s not a bad deal - for a price of a cup of coffee you own a community forum and implement a more reasonable moderation policy.

Also, it needs to be mentioned that the moderator panel is also members of the community. So in actuality this is a community run forum, and if those community members who are also moderators decide something is in order, so be it. I’m glad that you’re still here @al_ka (that we can talk about it and separate the wheat from the chaff)

… wow apparently kafir is banned again? did he make spam outside of this thread or something??


@dallyshalla See my post (link below) for why we can’t continue this endless process. He has options but makes demands on us rather than use the options he has or work with us constructively to create ones that work for him. Several of us are having to spend hours on this daily - on one person who continuously posts things we have to respond to. There are more important things for us to do on the forum, and in support of the project, or on our own projects, not to mention our private lives! :slightly_smiling: We have to draw a line at some point.

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@janitor instead of just parting ways because property makes it possible and even practical right now- instead of that let it be constant incremental improvement but with an interest/time/energy budget that is reasonable per @happybeing, The parties to this dispute might be able to agree to a hiatus. Drop it for a quarter.

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Yes he’s banned again, 2 weeks. He’s able to read the forum but not to reply, log in etc. It’s a very hard decision (we really don’t like to do it), and we had a long discussion about it again. People are free to propose ideas, criticize mods, call us not democratic enough etc. But the main point where the numerous of false accusations about mods doing things that we really didn’t. There was a final warning here. Again, not any fun in doing it.