Devhub Trending on Hacker News

The devhub is currently trending on HN

If anyone has an account and fancies chiming in with info/thoughts please do so! Always good to get the project under more noses, and answer any Qs.

I’m away to make an account now :smiley: to add a bit more info (end of my lurking days there)


For anyone with a HN account , we’re currently on the first page :tada:.


It’s getting late here. There’s still some comments coming in w/ questions etc. (And we’re still creeping up the page).

If anyone (in another timezone :slight_smile: ) has time to keep an eye and can answer any Qs that pop up there, that’d be awesome.


Here are the latest set of questions that have come in:

19 minutes ago parent on: Safe Network. Secure P2P app system implemented in…

My hat is off to you sir, we need more projects like these. I’m working on an analogous protocol, called “iota” also implemented in Rust, however, it’s not ready for primetime yet.

I have a few questions for the devs if you guys/gals don’t mind answering them, and don’t feel obliged to answer all of them:

  1. What algorithms do you use to measure information entropy and consistency efficiently?

  2. How does your protocol handle or adapt and recover from network partitions?

  3. How do ensure that a user’s data will not be shared or leaked to unauthorized 3rd parties once it leaves the network?

  4. How are applications that use your protocol sandboxed?

  5. Does your protocol use conflict-free replicated data types or does the protocol offer an alternative means of merging and reconciling data?

  6. How does your protocol self-certify requests and authorize them?

  7. Does your protocol employ ML in any facet to work?

  8. Lastly, what provoked you to start on your protocol in the first place? Just out of curiosity.

#8 for me personally: I realized after a decade in the software industry that programming sucks because there is a lack of protocol diversity and no means of reasonably and quickly developing new ones, and the consequence is that our application code ends up very convoluted and hard to reason about and hard to maintain.


Im here because of that


I just answered in my own typo ridden rant way :smiley: Hope it helps in any case as these are good points.


Awesome. Welcome @raz!

I’m about to eat / maybe go on a designated lockdown wander. But ask around and have a do have a play with the baby Fleming stuff!


I am testing the safe-browser atm, but safe://hello response is: Connection failed, Could not connect to the network.

I am a dev, but pretty new to the safe browser. I only heard about MaidSafe maybe around 2015

What am I doing wrong?

I have played with freenet, beaker browser (dat), tor (and some other things i dont remember) before. How is the safe browser similar & different from these?


May I recommend playing around a little with SAFE-CLI as a first step?
Are you Linux Mac or Windows?


Okay! Of course Linux


Grab this for starters then :slight_smile:


Here’s another comment, which is largely in part a UXD question. Perhaps @JimCollinson can help to address. Comment is also pasted below…

I love the goals of this, but I have two hopefully constructive criticisms:

(1) The on-ramp involves downloading and installing a bunch of stuff. Very few people are going to do that. Is there any way I can try it in a browser or via a tiny download? I’m talking just looking around. WASM is a thing, so even a fat slow WASM app that let me test things out would be a good way for me to see what this stuff is really like.

(2) I feel like this and a lot of other similar projects are too monolithic. They feel less like the WWW and more like Project Xanadu. This one is actually not the most complex I’ve seen, but it’s up there. Projects like this either never fully ship or have steep learning curves.


(3) Anything like this is going to need a killer app to drive initial adoption. Unfortunately a lot of the P2P killer apps in the past have been black or grey market related, which has tended to pigeon-hole them as that and harm more widespread adoption later. You should look for something this can do that other things do not currently do well. It doesn’t need to be some massive niche like social media. It could be a small niche with a small group of users who would be enthusiastic about it. In fact sometimes that’s better for initially bootstrapping something.


I’ve responded for now.


Yeah - I was thinking about that first Q there…

Could we /should we provide a VirtualBox image with the latest SAFE components installed?
Possibly even a Docker image?


HN really doesn’t let you respond much. I keep getting told I’m replying too fast and to calm down :confused:


You can upvote this as well:

I think that the primer would quell most people’s bad first impression (it should, unless… they’ve been negatively primed lol)
For these people anything that is buzzwordy without technical description would be felt as scammy, and I can’t blame them.
Especially in the first years there was a lot of hype with a glaring lack of documentation, and to be honest some of the speakers (some community members doing meetups and stuff like that) did try to promote the cryptocurrency while they couldn’t answer technical questions regarding to consensus, security and other more low level stuff. That really did leave a bad taste for those who were trying to analyze the plausibility of the project behind the buzz words.


Yeah, I’m getting the same warning too…


A bit of a more technical question around how the minimum threshold of replicated data is maintained:

One thing as a long time follower and in the MaidSafe forum would be an active thread where community members can ask technical questions and get technical answers when the team has time to dive in and give feedback. Re-reading this bit I think my question would be: How does SAFE Network, which is decentralized and anonymous for its users, know how many nodes are currently running with its replicated data without a crazy amount of polling and network congestion for every chunk of data. Is the X nodes have this data checked at the time of request and confirmed on all nodes? If so that would be really slow but reliable to ensure if a 1-7 nodes have lost the data that that data gets replicated elsewhere. Also risking that old data that hasn’t been fetched in awhile could have already lost their potential 8 node replication. Now get even more chatty where all storage nodes constantly poll each other for their known chucks they posses, that polling at scale sounds like it would become a real chatty bottleneck to have to basically crontab that seeking functionality to ensure availability of data at all times. Would be good to have a thread in the SAFE Network forum where programmers talk with the team and grill on the nitty gritty to see if these aspects have been solved and can be linked to in the source code for study.



This is exactly the aim of the Safe Network App, which we are working hard on.

One thing with having the streamlined team now is that updating and generally wrangling the websites has taken a bit of a backseat. It’s defo something we’ll need to turn our attention to when we round out the a major release.

Yeah, I don’t really agree with this, and obvs it’s been disussed a lot over the years. @happybeing gave a nice reply on that though.


I’ve just dropped in a wee reply too.