Decentralized Apps

In the future maybe you can “sell” some computation. But so far it’s a combination of being a node in the network, cache files that come around, calculate the way all the others in yours group see the network etc. Your Vault can have different persona’s, so you check for a group if they really store the Chunks they need to. That sort of things.

There’s not many known about this. But I’m told there is a way for everyone to register a name in the network. That’s public information (I believe) so when you look up Ajedi32, it points to a public key/address in which way people can find you (when you registered your name).

I wrote a piece once about different encryption layers. Maybe that clear some thing up a bit. But we don’t know all at this time. I really would like to know more as well about the name registration. Although I do know that it’s not in a blockchain :smile:

Ah okay; so for now that basically just refers to the resources used to maintain the network. Makes sense.

Good to know.

Thanks, that’s definitely helpful.

It sounds to me like the documentation on MaidSafe is still missing quite a bit of information at the moment. That’s fine, as I’m sure the devs are busy working on the code itself and there’ll be more information readily available as MaidSafe nears its release.

Anyway I think I have a much better understanding of what MaidSafe is now, and of what the overall vision is. I’ll definitely be watching to see how this project develops as time goes on; the level of privacy and independence MaidSafe aims to provide is really attractive, even if I don’t really get all the details yet.

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Apologies for the delay in getting back to you. I think you are developing good handle on what we are doing and agree that the documentation is not entirely complete. As an app dev you will be interested in the API which has been has been documented, but not yet coded.

On the subject of the SAFE equivalent of DNS, this has been discussed and the following thread may give you more insight.

The public names on the Safe Net is call Pmid (Public Maidsafe ID) and it will work something like that:

About the computational resources is a future implementation based on zero knowledge proofs, possibly zk-snark.

So instead of DNS, it’s more of a NameCoin type thing where users get first-come-first serve access to human-readable names on the network, which identify specific nodes? Or at least, that’s the current plan? That thread didn’t seem to come to a consensus, though several people mentioned that MaidSafe doesn’t need DNS (presumably because it has some kind of alternative built in?)

What kind of code can be executed in a Maidsafe app? Is it strictly Javascript?

My current understanding is that the MaidSafe network can be used by any type of application that can access the MaidSafe APIs. (Basically anything with internet access.) So no restrictions on what type of programing language you can use.

Apps launched with the MaidSafe launcher are regular native applications. So again, no restrictions there.

That’s how I understand it anyway, I could be wrong…

The names are not unique.

About the programing languages:

Hmm… okay. So the names are really encoded as name + truncated hash of public key? That sounds like it should work pretty well so long as either 1) nobody is intentionally trying to make that person difficult to contact by creating duplicate accounts with the same username and profile information, or 2) I have prior contact with the person beforehand when adding their name / website domain / whatever to my address book (e.g. I’m able to write down their complete username, including the hash.)

This doesn’t seem all that useful as a DNS system for popular (or even semi-popular) sites though. E.g. if I’m trying to reach Google and I search the global list of usernames for “Google” and see this:


…yeah. That’s not going to be very helpful.

Those are just libraries for accessing the MaidSafe API from popular languages, right? There’s no reason you couldn’t access the API from any language, even one not supported in that project, but you’d have to write the library for doing so yourself or find a third-party library, correct?

If this is the case, I’d like to confirm that it applies to Maidsafe apps that run in the Maidsafe viewer and not just apps that talk to the Maidsafe network.