Dealing with copied content

Suuuper good question, @Luke .

Is it a matter of quantity over quality? (/owenership).

I’m aware that I should (i think I read), be able to charge more SAFE per GET via an app if i wanted to (please correct me if I imagined reading that).

But is it all about data size? (or is that one GET request? … or one request per chunk?)

I also find the 10% of farming as a reward for content producers to be the inverse of what one (heh: I) might hope: I made a thing. Others are just storing that thing. Why should I only get 10% of the reward…?

I’m asking these questions as an author and web developer.

If content size/no. of requests is money making, then it’s the opposite of commonly held wisdom about reducing requests/data size to make for a more efficient internet. (Yes: this is not the olde internet, but the logic stands.) I’d be better rewarded for building an irritating website / over inflating the size of my data than making it useful… (say uploading my book as 400x50MP images instead of text).