Custom/Turnkey SAFEnetwork farming hardware

Yes I am looking to create a reference platform and image. The idea being easily audit-able and transferable by anyone. This should help with security and also act as a reference platform for technology partners who may want to jump on board as well as community members creating their own personal or mini business as well. A few wrinkles to sort out but it is also a good test of the launcher API as well as @eblanshey API and more. Of course this is all late night when I get time, but seems easily doable and would provide some stimulus just when we need it. I think this can be initially partnered with the likes of adafruit sparkfun etc.(who seem to be nice makespace type companies with similar goals to us in many ways) My only reservation there is the USA link to be honest, not meaning to cause waves, but companies in the USA have their own worries at the moment. So we need to check how safe it would be and how to structure such relationships for all parties to be secure in themselves.