Crowdfunding (Crowd Founding) Safe Applications

If we are to do smart contracts on safe, and we will need to, in order to do ownership voting, dividend payments, etc. then we will need some kind of registry. Until we have smart contracts we are limited to building Distributed Organizations with people making decisions at key places. But when we have them we can build true Distributed Autonomous Organizations. At least that is how I see it. Please help me see differently if I’m off on this line of thinking.

I’m trying my best to dig into this, but I’m no expert in these things by any means. My career has to this point been server backend, web front-end apps. Until safe, crypto was something I was fascinated with but never dug into the deep workings. Now I’m learning more and more and I know I’ve got a ton of homework in order to learn all I possibly can.

The nice thing about an on-demand workforce is there are opportunities for experts to partner up with non-experts and it’s a win-win for everyone.

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