Consensus on SAFE

For each client connection into the network, there is an anonymising proxy node which relays all data to and from destinations within the network, but the proxy does not have the ability to read any of it (for those familiar with Tor, this function is akin to a “guard node”).

So the client connects to the network using a relay_node. But the vaults connect without a relay_node. And the vaults are the client_managers. In other words, the close nodes are close vaults when you connect on XOR-Level.

The illustration below shows relationships of a Client (n) and the closest online Vaults which make up their ClientManager (n+2, n+5, n+7, n-8)

So, when we look at IP-level it looks something like this:

  • I’m at home with IP and connect to a bootstrap server from Maidsafe.
  • I get a relay_node from that bootstrap server. Let’s say with IP
  • A get_networkname request is done, so the relay_node is on XOR and sending out the request.
  • A group picks me up, I get public keys etc. I join that group of client_managers which are vaults on the network.

Now the next part is where I have some questions…

  • I’m connected to only 1 IP which is the relay_node?
  • The relay_node has 32 IP-connections directly to my vaults (client_managers) and 1 to me?
  • Is it just 1 relay_node to join a group of say 32 vaults (client_managers)? Or are several relay_nodes involved here? How is decided which relay_node serves which part of the group?