Community Effort to Launch ERC20 MAID

Great work. I’m wondering about the robustness of a three of five concensus. Would control (I’m thinking of hacking) of the nodes give full control of all MAID?

With the difficulty maintaining a omni node to be available 24/7 with no down time is 3 of 5 going to be reliable enough. I estimate that without some (very) good equipment/internet connections that at least one of the 5 at any one time will be down with a decent chance of 2 down often enough.

This means that probability says sometimes there will be 3 down at once for some period greater than 1 second.

Added to that if the node does not come back up within a short time frame then it will have significant resync time adding to its down time as a full node. The follow on effect is increasing the chance of 2 or more nodes down at the same time.

It may in the end be only 1 day a month or less but could be more.

Would 4 of 7 or 5 of nine be better?

Unfortunately I do not have any hard figures on how long a person with a regular desktop can keep their omni node fully synced up. How often do they have disruptions and need to resync? How long on average is it down and resync when recovering? I only hear that people have trouble syncing for the first time and then keeping it in sync.

Maybe if there could be a human to veto any transaction, the human(s) cannot release a transaction only veto. So then all transactions get a human eye on it. Considering the relatively small number of transactions ongoing (except at start perhaps) this might help, or not? Just trying to brain storm here

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I will make my python scripts for creating a full raw omni transaction and also for signing/broadcasting available on github.

As stated earlier the signing process does not require any full nodes, basically omnicore on a usb stick could even though as you don’t need to sync up.

There always needs to be at least 1 full node running that is able to create the transaction and forward it to the signers. Not sure if only full node can do ‘sendrawtransaction’, maybe even simple unsynced node can do that as well.

I just send another transaction out of the multisig fully automated. It is now able to forward the new raw_hex from each signer to the next one who has not participated yet until the transaction becomes complete and ready to broadcast.

Next challenge is how to select certain inputs if there are multiple when people deposit BTC into the multisig to withdraw and then selects those to then fund the miner fee.


Python code to simply create raw transaction with Omni SimpleSend payload and change address.

First create a multi-signature address using omnicore-cli, you can specify how many signatures you want and require (n-of-k), this script will use 3-of-5 for the example test in the signing part.

To create a multisig address you do the following using omnicore-cli or the console in omnicore-qt, or even use a bitcoincore client as this does not involve any omni actions/functions:

Do getnewaddress k times for the amount of multisig holders you want to create, in real-world situation individuals would all do this by themselves on a secure bootable USB that has omnicore on it and does not need any internet connection.

You will get 5 addresses, for example:

  1. 36uwmRmD9X2BH4Hi9ekv34k1Lp86QiYGw4
  2. 36RGKtGoUiZwLucvcdvSm5m2mzY1qa4aCa
  3. 39hTG37BgWjaRCRGhZSSNGkzK3ErLbS8VZ
  4. 33bm8hy2Uo4xEubhnbj2ds66VydCJS8djW
  5. 32nDKbaDCQ3tnW1wvWVyjwskL1kfXcvkbW

Each address represent a unique entity holding a share of the multisig address.
Now run getaddressinfo <address> for each address, you will get the pubkey - Hex (base 16), these are meant to be shared and don’t pose any security risks.

It will look like this for each address (showing 1 for sake of simplicity):
getaddressinfo 36uwmRmD9X2BH4Hi9ekv34k1Lp86QiYGw4

{ "address": "36uwmRmD9X2BH4Hi9ekv34k1Lp86QiYGw4", "scriptPubKey": "a914394a90f1c8f864edb80b186baf48a54ebc89ede187", "ismine": true, "solvable": true, "iswatchonly": false, "isscript": true, "iswitness": false, "script": "witness_v0_keyhash", "hex": "00146bf7aad62dce4a9c6545df5794ea1636c1b3f382", "pubkey": "02d6406f9dd17dedc83496101cb3b997acdce67fba4f671c4eb9398c19d505b8ad", "embedded": { "isscript": false, "iswitness": true, "witness_version": 0, "witness_program": "6bf7aad62dce4a9c6545df5794ea1636c1b3f382", "pubkey": "02d6406f9dd17dedc83496101cb3b997acdce67fba4f671c4eb9398c19d505b8ad", "address": "bc1qd0m6443dee9fce29matef6skxmqm8uuz660mck", "scriptPubKey": "00146bf7aad62dce4a9c6545df5794ea1636c1b3f382" }, "ischange": false, "timestamp": 1614668157, "labels": [ "" ] ... }

Finally, the important part that requires to be done securely, dumping the private key of the address.
The private key(s) will be able to sign raw transactions and when enough do so funds can be moved, keep them secure at all time!
dumpprivkey <address>

dumpprivkey 36uwmRmD9X2BH4Hi9ekv34k1Lp86QiYGw4
Output (this is not actual key but should look like this):

Last part is to create the multi-signature address, important is to keep track of the order how you put the public keys! Specify how many required signatures are necessary and then the array of public keys, the github example uses 3-of-5:
createmultisigaddress <#ofSignaturesNeeded> '["scriptPubKey1","scriptPubKey2","scriptPubKey3","scriptPubKey4","scriptPubKey5"]'

Example for 3-of-5:
createmultisig 3 '["02d6406f9dd17dedc83496101cb3b997acdce67fba4f671c4eb9398c19d505b8ad", "02ad49bc6f2932fd02ee17b0f1fdd27c9f0373722c7d14d7fdd0dd6fbdef4bbdae", "0381ae9203e049a978a7b4b067a9f77659c5949b464ed3b6d5f40e6da4c7865ab7", "0347c558956c5e3386277b36d703a03fc7d8e94335305e7681901a621a812b4752", "0273d26832feaec937db4d933c9710a7cf3545711cc32918e84d2665a4c54daf19" ]'

Output with the required redeemScript and your multisig address!:
{ "address": "3QhJ3qajPviUgr6krrDYXGrEd8vwVvmP9a", "redeemScript": "532102d6406f9dd17dedc83496101cb3b997acdce67fba4f671c4eb9398c19d505b8ad2102ad49bc6f2932fd02ee17b0f1fdd27c9f0373722c7d14d7fdd0dd6fbdef4bbdae210381ae9203e049a978a7b4b067a9f77659c5949b464ed3b6d5f40e6da4c7865ab7210347c558956c5e3386277b36d703a03fc7d8e94335305e7681901a621a812b4752210273d26832feaec937db4d933c9710a7cf3545711cc32918e84d2665a4c54daf1955ae", "descriptor": "sh(multi(3,02d6406f9dd17dedc83496101cb3b997acdce67fba4f671c4eb9398c19d505b8ad,02ad49bc6f2932fd02ee17b0f1fdd27c9f0373722c7d14d7fdd0dd6fbdef4bbdae,0381ae9203e049a978a7b4b067a9f77659c5949b464ed3b6d5f40e6da4c7865ab7,0347c558956c5e3386277b36d703a03fc7d8e94335305e7681901a621a812b4752,0273d26832feaec937db4d933c9710a7cf3545711cc32918e84d2665a4c54daf19))#3h5wqtqk" }

Note that different order of public keys will create a different address and redeemScript, if you maintain the order it will yield same results.

So from the outputs keep the address, pubkey, private keys of each address and save the multisig address & redeemScript somewhere.
The multisig address and redeemScript can be shared and don’t pose any security risk.

Next you can try to fund your newly created multisig address with a bitcoin transaction, this transaction will be used when you want to create a rawtransaction, it will use the transaction id and inputs to the multisig address for creating new outputs and paying for the miner fee!

I send both some BTC and MAID to my test address, write the transaction id down of the the BTC funding that you will use later in the script.

On my github you can download these simple python scripts, they will do all the copy and paste work for you and create the raw transaction. Still working on it, currently it will create a raw transaction and directly do a test signing until it is complete (meets required # of signatures) but will not broadcast it until you change ENABLE_BROADCAST to True.

Please read more about it on my github in


FYI: The project tau agoras ( used an exchange called WhiteBit to allow swap to Erc20 from omni


Any movement on this? Or is the idea dead?

Probably need this more than ever with the State of exchanges…


Agree. I wish we could use some of the Bamboo fund to get someone on this full time until it’s over the line, leaving the rest of the team alone (if possible). The investment may pay itself back 10 fold if we get good liquidity.


@Sotros25 and somebody else, @DeusNexus, maybe?, mentioned recently that progress is being made, but they cannot yet elaborate.

Edit: Found it:


In the announcement thread of the fund it states:

But I think it could be argued that paying someone with the neccesary expertise to work on the ERC conversion is not applicable to any of the above, it is crucial considering the state of omni and also meets the following requirements:


There is movement. I am cautiously optimistic that news will be publicly shareable soon.


I hope this news comes with a few major exchanges that would accept trading the converted tokens :stuck_out_tongue:.

Thanks Sotros. We are lucky to have you in this community. If there’s any way I can help, let me know.


Perhaps get an opinion from @BambooGarden himself?

What are his thoughts?

FWIW I myself am broadly in agreement with

I suspect that @BambooGarden was not wanting his funds simply used to pay the “entry fees” for major exchanges and that there could be a bit leeway here. But Im guessing…


it’s a community fund at this point so my opinion shouldn’t even count that much, but since you’re asking :grinning:

no, in my mind the BGF was not to be used for this. rather for development of the network and launch asap.

that said, I have been contemplating a second fund (or possibly somehow doing this inside the Community Marketing Fund) that is specifically meant for stuff that the BGF is not to be used for: marketing, exchange listings, possibly the erc20 thing… but my feeling is that we first have to get to a stage where there is a stable network and a GUI that newcomers can access easily. so probably Maxwell. stay tuned for this one :stuck_out_tongue:


Amazing! Deep respect to you, sir!


Bloody legend! Thank you for all of these incredible contributions.


Factom one of the old school projects that has almost disappeared has just created wrapped Factom:

If they can do it, surely we can?


Anythings possible, but I think alot of it comes down to money and trust.
Personally I watch both with a keen eye.
It’s great to do something, but not great if it all goes tits up.
( where on earth did that saying come from?)


I guess we could reach out to see who handled their swap and keep watching, certainly worth looking into, well spotted.